My child cannot cook. In his defense, he is a brilliant, nerdy eleven year old that loves to read and dance and play video games. He makes great grades… but some things escape him.
He will be so mad when he finds out I posted this one day, but… I left him with the responsibility to microwave a frozen meal for his lunch while I was busy blogging one day. Moments later he came to me and said, “I pushed the button, and it didn’t open.”
Yep, you know the little perforated semi-circle on the back of the box that you’re supposed to push in to create a thumb hole that allows you to rip the box open? MmmHmm, in his literal little mind, there was apparently supposed to be an auto open once he pushed the button. We laugh now, but talk to me in ten years. It won’t be funny if he’s still living with me then. He just needs guidance about nuance, right? He just needs to understand not everything is literal? This Call may allow you to pass along a little instruction to someone that needs the guidance.
I am thinking about taking advantage of this Call to Artists for a short-term Visiting Artist to teach a two-day workshop at Black Hawk College. How ’bout you?
Black Hawk College in Moline, Illinois is seeking a short-term visiting visual artist for April, 2011. The goal of the visiting artist program is to introduce our students to working artists who will provide insight about educational experiences and career goals, inspirations and artistic visions, and the business side of art.
DUTIES: The visiting artist will discuss his/her body of work, methods and materials, and experiences with undergraduate studio art students over a period of two days. Demonstrations, if possible, are encouraged.
ELIGIBILITY: Visual artists working in any art form or medium are welcome to apply.
DEADLINE: February 18, 2011
ENTRY FEE: There is no fee to submit a proposal.
STIPEND: The selected artist will receive a stipend of $1000 for his/her time and travel expenses.
SUBMISSIONS: Interested artists should submit a resume, a detailed proposal for the two-day workshop, and ten to twenty images of previous work.
Please send submission by email to Melissa Hebert-Johnson at artspacebhc@gmail.com.