Artist R.L. Gibson

Tag: Xerography

PSYCHOMACHIA: Thanks to Jerry & Perihelion!

Thanks to Perihelion Arts!HINDSIGHT

I have been a bit remiss about blogging lately, but I promise to try to catch up this week.  There is so much going on, and I can’t wait to share it all with you.  I have TWO new bodies of work in progress: Typ(e)ical and another 115+ piece show that doesn’t quite have a name yet.

But, before I start a week’s worth of posts about the future… I want to take just a moment to say “Thank You” to Jerry Portelli, my collaborator on Psychomachia… and forever my dear friend.  And another “thank you” goes to Perihelion Arts in Phoenix, AZ for taking a chance on our show.  The documented photos of the show and the individual pieces have yet to be released; however, the official portrait of us at our opening is below, courtesy of Jerry.  Enjoy!

Jerry and Rachel proudly pose on night 2 of the Psychomachia opening!

PATIENCE: The Conjoined Twins


Psychomachia, the collaborative show for Artist R.L. Gibson and Photographer Jerry Portelli is opening at Perihelion Arts in Phoenix, AZ on March 31 & April 1st…Less than 3 weeks away. the final canvases have been shipped from Tennessee and are due in Arizona any day now.  Take a look at our third release of full images and leave a comment with your thoughts.

Enjoy a first glimpse of full images of
Patience: The Conjoined Twins
from Psychomachia!

Click to learn more about Psychomachia from Artist R.L. Gibson and Photographer Jerry Portelli!


Click to learn more about the Psychomachia show!

Stay tuned for the release of additional images!

PRIDE: World’s Strongest Boy/Man!


Psychomachia, the collaborative show for Artist R.L. Gibson and Photographer Jerry Portelli is opening at Perihelion Arts in Phoenix, AZ on March 31 & April 1st.
Take a look at our second release of full images and leave a comment with your thoughts.
Note:  Accredited online colleges are an option for people who want to explore art further.  Learning from each other makes us better artists.

Enjoy a first glimpse of full images of
Pride: The World’s Strongest Boy / Man
from Psychomachia!

Click to learn more about Psychomachia from Artist R.L. Gibson and Photographer Jerry Portelli!http://www.rlgibson.com/psychomachia


Click to learn more about the Psychomachia show!

Stay tuned for the release of additional images!

PSYCHOMACHIA: Postcards Arrived!


The postcards for Psychomachia, the collaborative show for Artist R.L. Gibson and Photographer Jerry Portelli opening at Perihelion Arts in Phoenix, AZ on March 31 & April 1st, have arrived.  Take a look and leave a comment with your thoughts.

Enjoy a first glimpse of full images of
Lust: The Three Legged Man
from  Psychomachia!

Click to learn more about the Psychomachia show!

Click to learn more about the Psychomachia show!

Stay tuned for the release of additional images!

GREED: A Ghostly Image


Many of you have asked that I show images from the reveal process of Xerography.  Below is an image of the reveal of Greed from the Psychomachia show, from which I posted a cropped version. Can you see the ghostly image?  A face, maybe?
Note:  Those of you who are interested in learning more about art and photography may find this list of online colleges helpful. It is interesting to learn about photography from many people’s perspectives.

Click to learn more about the Psychomachia show opening at Perihelion Arts on March 31st!

Postcards for Psychomachia which is opening at Perihelion Arts in Phoenix on April 1st will be available soon… then I will get to reveal LUST: The 3-Legged man!

ARTS in the AIRPORT – No Entry Fee!

Click Here to follow Artist R.L. Gibson by Email!FLY BY ME

Of all the shows across the country that I have been a small part of over the years, I have received more feedback from the Arts in the Airport series than any other.  Note: Some people ponder a masters degree online when they want to take advanced art courses. Whether you were part of this exhibit or want to someday be a part of another exhibit, extra knowledge is helpful.

I was an exhibiting artist in the Fall 2009 and Spring 2010 shows, and I regularly heard from fans of my work that they saw my pieces while traveling through Knoxville. 

Such a treat it has been. 


I am going to work on an entry for this next call.  To all of my fellow TN artists… take a minute to enter.  There is no entry fee and the exposure is great.

CALL for ENTRIES:  Arts in the Airport

The Arts & Culture Alliance of Greater Knoxville and the Metropolitan Knoxville Airport Authority (McGhee Tyson Airport) announce a call for entries for the next “Arts in the Airport”, a juried exhibition developed to allow regional artists to compete and display work in the most visited site in the area. The selected art will feature contemporary 2- and 3-dimensional artwork and will be exhibited in the secured area behind McGhee Tyson Airport’s security gate checkpoint from April 21 – October 20, 2011.

Deciding to Resist Fear by Ashley AddairDEADLINE:
Received by March 25, 2011

There is no entry fee.

Each artist may submit up to five entries which must be original works in the following categories: Painting, Graphic Arts, Photography, and 3-D.

This exhibition is open to all artists 18 years and older residing in the 33 counties of East Tennessee.

Download a prospectus with detailed information and application at www.knoxalliance.com/news.html!


Letting Go by Rachel K TurnerJUROR:  The Arts & Culture Alliance, with assistance from Stephen Wicks of the Knoxville Museum of Art, will jury the exhibition. Final approval is the purview of the Airport Authority.

AWARDS:  Prizes include $1,000 in cash awards.

More information about the program, as well as images of the current exhibition, can be found at www.knoxalliance.com/airport.html.  The Arts & Culture Alliance serves and supports a diverse community of artists, arts organizations, and cultural institutions. The Alliance receives financial support from the Tennessee Arts Commission. Special thanks to Bluegill Creative: Design and Marketing Communications.


Click to follow Arist R.L. Gibson by email!PUSHING MY BUTTONS

My child cannot cook. In his defense, he is a brilliant, nerdy eleven year old that loves to read and dance and play video games. He makes great grades… but some things escape him.

He will be so mad when he finds out I posted this one day, but… I left him with the responsibility to microwave a frozen meal for his lunch while I was busy blogging one day. Moments later he came to me and said, “I pushed the button, and it didn’t open.”

Yep, you know the little perforated semi-circle on the back of the box that you’re supposed to push in to create a thumb hole that allows you to rip the box open? MmmHmm, in his literal little mind, there was apparently supposed to be an auto open once he pushed the button. We laugh now, but talk to me in ten years. It won’t be funny if he’s still living with me then. He just needs guidance about nuance, right? He just needs to understand not everything is literal? This Call may allow you to pass along a little instruction to someone that needs the guidance.

Learn more about Black Hawk College!I am thinking about taking advantage of this Call to Artists for a short-term Visiting Artist to teach a two-day workshop at Black Hawk College. How ’bout you?

Black Hawk College

Black Hawk College in Moline, Illinois is seeking a short-term visiting visual artist for April, 2011. The goal of the visiting artist program is to introduce our students to working artists who will provide insight about educational experiences and career goals, inspirations and artistic visions, and the business side of art.

DUTIES: The visiting artist will discuss his/her body of work, methods and materials, and experiences with undergraduate studio art students over a period of two days. Demonstrations, if possible, are encouraged.

Learn more about the Art Students at Black Hawk College!ELIGIBILITY: Visual artists working in any art form or medium are welcome to apply.

DEADLINE: February 18, 2011

ENTRY FEE: There is no fee to submit a proposal.

STIPEND: The selected artist will receive a stipend of $1000 for his/her time and travel expenses.

SUBMISSIONS: Interested artists should submit a resume, a detailed proposal for the two-day workshop, and ten to twenty images of previous work.

Please send submission by email to Melissa Hebert-Johnson at artspacebhc@gmail.com.

PSYCHOMACHIA: Wrath of the Knife Thrower

Click to Follow Artist R.L. Gibson by Email!DON’T

Thank you for all the feedback on the Psychomachia sneak previews. I really appreciate your patience on seeing the full images.

Here’s another cropped
piece of the puzzle…
Wrath, The Knife Thrower!

I’ve been working on Psychomachia show for 1 1/2 years now, and we have booked the opening at Perihelion Arts on March 31st of 2011. Psychomachia is a series of fourteen pieces from myself and Arizona artist photographer Jerry Portelli.

I have 14 of the images completed.

Although I still have to finish the reveals. This work reinterprets the Seven Deadly Sins and the Seven Holy Virtues in a series of 14 diptychs, one from me and one from artist Jerry Portelli. The aesthetic theme is the sideshow freak from the circus and fairs of yesteryear–nature’s artwork, if you will.

Follow the progress by Email!


HAPPY NEW YEAR: Patience the Conjoined Twins

Click to Follow Artist R.L. Gibson by Email!CONNECTED!

Thank you for all the feedback on the Psychomachia sneak previews. I really appreciate your patience on seeing the full images.

Here’s another cropped
piece of the puzzle…Patience, The Conjoined Twins!

I’ve been working on Psychomachia show for 1 1/2 years now, and we have booked the opening at Perihelion Arts on March 31st of 2011. Psychomachia is a series of fourteen pieces from myself and Arizona artist photographer Jerry Portelli.

I have 14 of the images completed.

Although I still have to finish the reveals. This work reinterprets the Seven Deadly Sins and the Seven Holy Virtues in a series of 14 diptychs, one from me and one from artist Jerry Portelli. The aesthetic theme is the sideshow freak from the circus and fairs of yesteryear–nature’s artwork, if you will.

Follow the progress by Email!