Artist R.L. Gibson

Tag: Xerography

Gluttony: Before & After

Gluttony by Artist R.L. GibsonLOSING

My intent is to offer my point of view with a nod to the humorous.  I can’t help my Southern passive-aggressive upbringing.  I was taught that lessons are easier learned if you wrap them in fluff that makes them easier to swallow.  And…

It would seem that I will never be able to shake the notion.


But, I HAVE noticed a change.  The first image is Gluttony: World’s Fattest Woman, as it hung when Psychomachia opened.  The image below, was my first attempt (that has since been destroyed).

Gluttony first attempt by Artist R.L. GibsonThis circus tent version that I started with certainly had a great sense of humor, but I didn’t love it.  This piece was a turning point for me.  it was missing a religious reference, and THAT is what forced me to make a second attempt.  But as I began trying to re-conceive this piece, I realized that the real problem was that it was simply too obvious.

I’m not good at subtle,
(except by Southern standards)

but I’m getting better…


The work of Artist R.L. Gibson in now avilable via The Haggus Society FB store!PRINTS
of a sort

I get a surprising number of requests for prints even each of my pieces is a monoprint.  I understand that not everyone has several feet of wall space for surrealist, pop-art portrait with a less than subtle political message.  So, for my next show (Do I Know You? opening in July of 2014), I intend to sell a handful of paper prints for a charitable cause.

In the meantime, you might not realize it, but a small number of 4″ x 4″ prints on gallery-wrapped canvas DO exist of the Psychomachia Show.  You can own one today by going to the the Facebook store of The Haggus Society.

Take a look…

Check out the FB store of The Haggus Society to see work by Artist R.L. Gibson!

For your safety…

Speak No Evil by Artist R.L. Gibson!WARNING…

It HAS been a very productive day for me both creatively and organizationally.  I had a dear friend make the casual suggestion to me that maybe I should start spending a mere 15 minutes a day organizing for my big solo show in July.  I have been completely stressed out about how far behind I am.   And my reaction to panic is often paralysis.  But the 15 minute method was a perfect way to jump start action without getting overwhelmed…and I am on my way.

But during my productive day of art and the business of art, I must have forgotten to turn off the bullseye button on my back.  As most of you know, I am generally patient, tolerant and optimistic.  Today, tested my ability to remain bullet proof.  So…

In an effort to be pro-active, I am publishing this short PSA warning
of what you should NEVER SAY to an ARTIST… for your safety.

PSA fm rlgibson.com

Please share with all of your friends!

LINK to LOVE: Fotoblur

It’s all a BLUR…

So I have to admit that I’m a little in love with fotoblur.  While I try to remind people that I am no more a photographer than a weekend golf player is a golfer, I do TAKE photographs.  Luckily, fotoblur has a category for fine art.  (continues below)

Click to check out the Fotoblur Profile of RL Gibson!

My profile is growing by baby steps, and I appreciate the kind words from other photographers.  But more than anything, I truly enjoy the inspiration of browsing through the work of others.  I can get a little absorbed, and before I know it…hours have passed by.

It is free for a basic profile, so check it out…

Click to see the fotoblur profile of Xerographist RL Gibson!


Sakura Pigma Micron PenThe
Thin Line…

I am not one to be drawn to traditional art supplies.  I don’t tend to go gaga over watercolor papers or a specific brand of oil pastels.  I usually just love the bizarre, non-traditional objects that I believe are destined to end up as art–like abandoned lunch trays, old silkscreen frames and Cracker Jack boxes.

My primary focus has been Xerography, and I’ve had little use for pens and pencils over the years. However, as I begin exploring new techniques for an upcoming series, I have to admit that I have fallen in love with the Sakura Pigma Micron pens.

They are a fairly inexpensive alternative to the technical pen.  I am particularly in love with the Micron 05.  You have to use a very light touch, which isn’t really my norm, but the delicate results are just unbelievable.  They are pigment based, don’t bleed or feather, and they are archival.

I’m inspired…


The unsuspecting face of Alzheimer'sHere we go

At the end of 2012 when I am normally planning for the coming year with anticipation, something broke.  My Dad died unexpectedly, and my creativity came to a screeching halt.  I seemed unable to find a voice.  I haven’t been able to find something to say for over 8 months now.

Today, while sitting in the doctor’s office hearing that I will need yet another surgery, I found my voice.  While sitting there listening to the doctor explain that my body has turned against me once again, I realized how pissed off I am to be sick…again.

Not all art comes from anger, but it can be a fantastic catalyst.  As I sat and marinated in my newest health debacle, I immediately began to feel guilty for being angry.  Everyone’s body turns on them eventually…that’s how we die.  I’m not alone.

I have generations of family whose bodies have abandoned them in the end.  And I also have the pictures of them before they knew what was coming.  My grandmother, pictured here at 36, had no idea that 63 years later her most common phrase would be, “Do I know you?”

Art is found in contrast.  I found my voice again, and it really isn’t pretty.

Stay tuned…



Virtual Delight

Virtual Delights from Melissa Wolf Fine Arts featuring Artist R.L. Gibson!DELIGHTED,
that’s me

My husband calls me “nauseatingly optimistic.” So when I read this show description, I thought, “What could be more fitting for this nauseating optimist?  I decided I had to enter:

“To dance on the plain of pure pleasure. To share extreme happiness with the world. Enjoyment in it’s purest form.  A dance between the happiest of realities and the imagination.

“What gives you, the artist, great pleasure? What delights you the most? Share it here and share it with the world!” –from MelissaWolfFineArts.com

Virtual Delights from Melissa Wolf Fine Arts featuring Artist R.L. Gibson!Virtual Delight is the latest online showcase for Melissa Wolf Fine Arts and was juried by Roxie Munro, Artist, Author, Lecturer.  And much to my surprise and virtual delight, I was juried into the show and found one of my two images on the front page representing the show.  I’m thrilled, just thrilled.

For those of you hesitating about  entering online competitions, I encourage you to think of them as the art publication opportunities of yesterday.  Art Magazines are rarer and rarer, and online publication opportunities are slowly taking their place.  Give it a try; maybe you’ll be delighted as well.

Take a look as this unique offering from
Wolf Fine Arts…
Virtual Delight!

ALL ABOARD: The Circus is headed to NH.

Learn more about the Soo Rye Art Gallery!NO,
It is not an
Election Reference

Three of the members of my own personal art circus are headed to New Hampshire for the Winter Salon Show at the Soo Rye Art Gallery in Rye, NH.  Of the 12 pieces I submitted, they chose Pride, Greed and Patience (left to right below).  What an odd combination.  Greed is one of my favorites in the Psychomachia series, and of course, I love them all like my children.  But visually and philosophically, they make for an unusual combination.  It makes me wish more than ever that I could attend this opening.

For those of you that can’t make it the opening either,
here’s a little taste…

Pride Greed and Patience by Xerographist R.L. Gibson!

ID – The Object of Self


I am pleased to have been included in ID – The Object of Self at the Darkroom Gallery in Essex Junction, VT.  Here’s a great pic of my little mermaid hanging amongst the other juried participants. Bottom right corner.

Be sure to visit the
Darkroom Gallery online

for a sneak peak
at the exhibit!

On the Road, Again!

Chastity: The Mermaid by Artist R.L. Gibson from the Psychomachia series!COLD WATER
for the

I am pleased and proud to have a piece from the Psychomachia series, Chastity:  The Mermaid,  showing in the ID – The Object of Self exhibit at the Darkroom Gallery in Vermont.

There is some humor, I suppose, in sending one of my more exposed self-portraits to a locale where it will be snowing before long.  And, funny enough, this piece has legs. It has been from Phoenix, AZ to Los Angeles, CA then to Austin, TX…and now to Vermont.  Ahhh, if time only permitted me to be her traveling companion.  Maybe next time!

Be sure to visit the Darkroom Gallery online
for a sneak peak at the exhibit!