On ArtAndArtDeadlines.com, I preach the wisdom of not getting complacent…of continuing to enter shows. However…I have been working on my show Psychomachia for more than a year now with Arizona artist Jerry Portelli, and I have worked on it to the exclusion of almost everything else.
So, I really need to take my own advice and decide that it is time that I at least enter a couple of shows.
It has ceased to be about cash prizes for me. It is all about the ability to show in new places. Here is one of the shows that I’ve chosen for June:

Sylvia White Juried Show–Entry Deadline June 19th
This summer, the Sylvia White Gallery will be awarding two exhibition opportunities in our gallery space in Ventura, California’s New Art City.
Juried by: Sylvia White. Sylvia White is founder and director of Contemporary Artists’ Services. She has been advising artists on matters related to career development since 1979. Sylvia White Gallery opened in 2008 and has exhibited artists such as Robert Rauschenberg, Robert Graham, Ed Moses, Dale Chihuly and others. Take a virtual tour of our gallery , please visit our website at http://www.sylviawhite.com/ .
PRIZES: One solo exhibition and one group exhibition.
June 19 – Entry Deadline
July 3 – Notifications sent out
August 4 – September 4 – Group Exhibition (Solo exhibition dates to be arranged with winning artist)
ELIGIBILITY: Open to all U.S./Canadian resident artists at least 18 years of age. Eligible entries include paintings, mixed media, works on paper, photography, sculpture, installation art and performance.
ACCEPTANCE: Accepted work may be refused if it does not conform to the image entry, at the Juror’s discretion. No substitutions of accepted works will be allowed. All accepted work must remain in the gallery for the duration of the exhibit.
Artists will be responsible for delivery and return shipping of all their artwork. Sylvia White Gallery will assist in providing e-mailing lists and press contacts.
SALES: Unless otherwise specified, accepted works will be considered for sale at the price indicated and 30% of the selling price will be retained by The Sylvia White Gallery. A purchaser may not remove work until the end of the exhibition.
INSURANCE: Great care will be taken with all work, but artists are responsible for insuring their own pieces if they wish. The Sylvia White Gallery will not be responsible for any loss or damage to work while on the premises or in transit to or from the gallery. Artists are advised to get their own insurance.
DELIVERY & RETURN: All work must be suitably framed, wired and ready for hanging, or installation. Graphics, prints, watercolors and pastels must be framed under Plexiglas. NO GLASS.
Shipped work must be packaged in a reusable container. NO STYROFOAM PEANUTS. A prepaid waybill for its return must be enclosed. Please make shipping arrangements through the U.S. Postal Service, DHL, FedEx, or UPS. COD returns are not acceptable. The gallery accepts no responsibility for work not retrieved on the pick-up date and will charge the artist $5.00 a day thereafter for storage. After 30 days the gallery may dispose of the work.
APPLICATION PROCESS: To apply you need to email all of the following to juriedshow@artadvice.com.
1. Link To Website with available work (if available)
2. Three (3) Digital Images of Work – Digital Images should be submitted in JPEG format and the images’ dimensions should not exceed 1600 pixels in any dimension and should have a maximum file size of 5 MB. Please label each JPEG image as follows: Lastname_Firstname_title.jpg
3. Details of submitted work: Title, Medium, Dimensions, and Price.
4. Contact Details of Artist: Name, Email Address, Phone Number
5. Entry Fee $40 (US Dollars only)
If you have any questions, email Sylvia…she’s always quick with replies.