Artist R.L. Gibson

Tag: Artist R.L. Gibson

DARTH VADER: Lack of Faith by R.L. Gibson

Image Preview: LACK of FAITH

Many of you have waited patiently to see the finished Darth Vader piece that I submitted to the www.HalloweenCostumes.com Vader Helmet contest.  In my rush to get it packaged and delivered on time, I neglected to photograph it.  I know, I know.  But, here it is…

Statement for Lack of Faith:  “The pyscho-sexual political portrayal of the 1950s-esque housewife as victim then villain is not entirely different than the plot arch of Darth Vader, the ultimate cinema villain. Blurring the context of one with the other is meant to highlight the absurdity of perceiving anyone as one-dimensional.” –R.L. Gibson

Luckily, it had to be photographed for the auction.  Take a look…

Lack of Faith by R.L. Gibson!

If you are interested in seeing all the Vader helmets,
visit the
Auction Page!



Images from the Psychomachia series by Artist R.L. Gibson

I am so excited to have received this little present (see below) in my email inbox today. That right, folks.  Here’s the poster for my upcoming solo show at RicRoks Tattoos in L.A. this December.  The show is also being sponsored by The Haggus Society, Fractured Atlas and UPrinting.com.  Thanks for all the support!

Cohesion Collision featuring Artist R.L. Gibson sponsored by RicRok Tattoos and The Haggus Society!

Follow Artist R.L. Gibson on Facebook for updates!

HELMET HEAD: Darth Vader Art Contest

Click to subsribe to Artist R.L. Gibson's blog for updates on the Vader Helmet!LUKE,
I mean, OSCAR,
Where is your Father?


So, I have a 12 year old that loves Star Wars.  Not shocking, eh?  A lot of 12 year olds love Star Wars.  Recently my son has started hiding his love for the franchise because it has apparently become less cool at school to admit it.  Nonetheless, when I tripped across the Darth Vader Helmet Art Contest, I thought, “Hmm, I’ll post it on ArtAndArtDeadlines.com, and maybe I’ll enter if I get the time.”  Famous last words.

Well, once I told my son
about the contest,
I was forced to FIND
the time.


I entered and forgot about it.  They asked for a link to your portfolio on the entry form, and seeing that my artwork couldn’t be any farther from sci-fi than it is, I just assumed that I made brownie points with my kid for ENTERING…and THAT would be THAT.

Loving this helmet, but I dont know the artist!Not quite.  I found out today that I, R.L. Gibson (the Xerographist), was selected as one of 25 artists to create an original piece of art out of or incorporating the Darth Vader Helmet–an authentic reproduction, mind you.  Careful what you wish for folks.  It was like a ticker-tape parade when I told my son Oscar, but NOW I have to actually create something that fits both the philosophy and aesthetic of my work with a Star Wars helmet.  Methinks it will be a challenge.  Being challenged was not really in the game plan, but I’m actually looking forward to it–don’t tell my cool friends, though.

My child is counting on my WINNING. Uh oh.


The great news is that all 25 of the helmets will be auctioned of to benefit the Midwest Art Catalyst, a non-profit organization created to support the Mankato area artistic and musical communities, and The Miracle League’s Fallenstein Field, which is the only barrier-free handicapped and wheelchair accessible softball/baseball field in Minnesota built for children and adults with all types of disabilities.

Cool.  Did I mention I get a $150 HalloweenCostumes.com gift certificate even if I don’t win?  That means 1) My kid gets to brag that his mom is making Star Wars art, 2) My kid gets to try on the helmet when it arrives, and 3) Even if I don’t win, my kid gets a great Halloween costume next year.  Very cool.

Thanks HalloweenCostumes.com!

Stay tuned for pictures of the helmet as it develops!

I JUST ENTERED: Edges & Curves

Enter Edges and Curves today!



I just entered a half a dozen of my Psychomachia xerography pieces into Edges & Curves, Nothing in Between sponsored in part by The Haggus Society.  The deadline is midnight (pacific time) on September 1st…so you’d better not waste time.   Edges & Curves, Nothing In Between attempts to bust the myth that the older creative has lost her or his edge.

Learn more about the Psychomachia pieces that I submitted!“In a youth oriented society, the conventional wisdom is that the younger artist is the risk taker and rule breaker. And while those who would follow conventional wisdom believe we soften as we get older, there are those who actually hone their edges to craft a message with more bite and risk because of their station in life.”

I am a member in good standing (although not quite 40…9 months to go) of The Haggus Society, but even if you are not a member, entry is only $12 for SIX images.  You can’t beat the price for a Highland Park, California show. I’ll let you know how it turns out once I receive notification.

You’ve only got a few days left to enter… so hurry!

Wacky Portraits at the Darkroom!

Pieces of Me: Charmed, Xerography by Artist R.L. Gibson!


I just finished submitting 5 entries to the Persona exhibit.  Have you entered yet?

I am a big fan of the Darkroom Gallery‘s curatorial themes, and I couldn’t resist a wacky portrait show. However, I have entered with my eyes wide open.  I am not a photographer…I take photographs.  There IS a difference.  We’ll see how I do.  The last show I entered at Darkroom ended in rejection, but I am trying again.

One of my 5 submissions is Pieces of Me: Charmed.  This piece is close to my heart, no pun intended, and I have never submitted it before now.

Wish me luck!


Pink Slip made of crayons at the Hotel Preston!



Hotel Lingerie

While staying in Nashville a couple of weekends ago, my husband and I shacked up at the Hotel Preston with our complimentary rubber duckie and pet fish.

Hotel Preston is a mid-priced renovation of an old Radisson, but we really enjoyed the tongue-in-cheek decor. From the holographic wall art to the red-dyed cow hide wall covering in the elevator, it was an entertaining atmosphere considering the $74 per night deal we got on hotwire.com for this “boutique hotel” near the airport(compared to the $129 at the desk).

I took a liking to the Pink Slip (pictured left) made from crayons; however, I can’t figure out who the artist is. Does anyone know? I found it on The Telegraph… no mention of the artist.  Update…reader Jody Springer was kind enough to send me a link to Herb Williams, the creator of the crayon slip!  Check out the rest of his work!

STILL HUNGRY? Here’s the next course…

Become a fan of Artist R/L. Gibson on facebook!SECOND
of ART
for FOOD

Thank you for the great response to the new project that I’ve been playing around with &  the post of  Two Eggs & Pancakes!  You were even kind enough to make a few visits to my husband Jon’s site too!

In other news, I have been accepted as the newest member of The Haggus Society.  You’ve gotta check these Hags and B*tch Fest out on facebook.

As your reward for showing me & my work so much blog love, I offer you…

Here is another one of the new batch of
cell phone xerography pieces
: EATEnjoy!

EAT by R.L. Gibson, xerography triptych
EAT by R.L. Gibson, xerography triptych

What do you think?  Leave a comment or email me!


HUNGRY for new artwork?

Artist R.L. Gibson and Photographer Jon M. Ives on vacation!ART for BREAKFAST,

I promise that I have not fallen off the planet.  I’m just having a wonderfully busy summer.  My husband (and photographer) Jon, son Oscar, my mother Anne and I took a lovely vacation to the Highlands, NC area.  That’s me and my hubby on the left at the Dry Falls as photographed by my 11 year old.  

ArtAndArtDeadlines.com is still going strong, and I am producing a small amount of work along the way.  I have started working on a few little side projects just for fun. 

Here is one of my favorites of the new batch of cell phone xerography pieces… Two Eggs & PancakesEnjoy!

Two Eggs & Pancakes by R.L. Gibson, xerography diptych
Two Eggs & Pancakes by R.L. Gibson, xerography diptych

What do you think?  Leave a comment or email me!


PSYCHOMACHIA: Thanks to Jerry & Perihelion!

Thanks to Perihelion Arts!HINDSIGHT

I have been a bit remiss about blogging lately, but I promise to try to catch up this week.  There is so much going on, and I can’t wait to share it all with you.  I have TWO new bodies of work in progress: Typ(e)ical and another 115+ piece show that doesn’t quite have a name yet.

But, before I start a week’s worth of posts about the future… I want to take just a moment to say “Thank You” to Jerry Portelli, my collaborator on Psychomachia… and forever my dear friend.  And another “thank you” goes to Perihelion Arts in Phoenix, AZ for taking a chance on our show.  The documented photos of the show and the individual pieces have yet to be released; however, the official portrait of us at our opening is below, courtesy of Jerry.  Enjoy!

Jerry and Rachel proudly pose on night 2 of the Psychomachia opening!

ENVY: The Midget


Psychomachia, the collaborative show for Artist R.L. Gibson and Photographer Jerry Portelli is opening at Perihelion Arts in Phoenix, AZ on March 31 & April 1st…Less than 4 days away. the final canvases have been shipped from Tennessee, R.L. Gibson flies out Wednesday. Take a look at the fourth release of full images and leave a comment.

Enjoy a first glimpse of full images of
 Envy: The Midget*
from Psychomachia!

Click to learn more about the Psychomachia show from Artist R.L. Gibson and photographer Jerry Portelli!

Click to learn more about the Psychomachia show!

Stay tuned for the release of additional images!

* Please note that use of the term “midget” is intended to refer to the venacular of the time period in which sideshow freaks existed, and NOT meant in any derogatory manner.  We mean no respect to little people anywhere.