Although I’m hard at work on Psychomachia with my friend Jerry Portelli, I can’t afford not to be showing work in the meantime.
I’m thinking about entering the notBig show in the Chicago Arts District. All works must be 12″ or smaller–which means they are inexpensive to ship via Priority Mail Insured. Plus, the entry fee is only $20 for up to 3 images.
The call can be found at Art & Art Deadlines.com ; however, I have also re-posted the Call below. The deadline is October 31st, 2009. Hmmm…what should I enter? Most of the Pieces of Me series is 12″x12″. I’ll have to give it some thought.

SHOW: notBig: A Small Works Competition in the Chicago Arts District
ENTRY DEADLINE: October 31, 2009
EXHIBIT TYPE: Gallery Exhibit
MEDIA: This is an open call for any medium including painting, sculpture, ceramics, collage, mixed media, photography and glass.
DESCRIPTION: The Logsdon 1909 Gallery in Chicago, Illinois announces a call to artists for a juried show, December 11, 2009 to January 2, 2010, that is open to all individual artists working in the contemporary arts. $500 first. $200 for second. $100 for third. +Purchase Awards. Juror: Doug Stapleton. There is no intended theme for the work; it just needs to fit the criteria of being “small art”. No works over 12 inches in any direction. $20 for 3 images. Visit http://www.logsdongallery.jimdo.com for prospectus.
CONTACT: Marco Logsdon at logsdongallery@gmail.com or call 312-666-8966.