If you get a chance, stop by The Tomato Head on Market Square in Knoxville, TN, from April 2 to May 6, to see “Foot Traffic”, a new series of xerography work. Learn more about the “Foot Traffic” series.

If you get a chance, stop by The Tomato Head on Market Square in Knoxville, TN, from April 2 to May 6, to see “Foot Traffic”, a new series of xerography work. Learn more about the “Foot Traffic” series.
It is DAY 8 the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge. No themes, no rules, just paint. I seem to be wading in proverbial water for the past few days. Tomorrow, I will make a purposeful break. Change is good.
During the February challenge, I am offering each piece at $25, including shipping inside the U.S., for two days after it is posted. You can email me, message me on Facebook or Instagram with your email address for a PayPal invoice & your snail mail for shipping. First message takes it.
These beauties (photo by Ashley Lodge Photography) from the Traffic series found a new home in West Virginia today. The new owner is loaning them to The Tiny Art Show at the Sir Walter Theatre Gallery in Beckley, WV that opens in December. Go by and see these, as well as the “Central Park Portland” piece!
So, I whined my way through the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge. A couple of days before it ended, I headed to NY for an opening at the Scarlet Seven Gallery in which my work was included. As I was reading each artist’s statement, I came across the work of Susan Spencer Crowe. Midway through I came across the words, paraphrased, “I painted a watercolour every day for 5 years.” FIVE YEARS. I whined my way through 30 days.
So, I have until January for the next 30 Paintings in 30 Days challenge, but I am going to try to post something new nearly every day. Most days I will just name them for the day they were completed. I worked this one to death, but I love that cadmium orange.
We made it to Day 30 of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge! What a roller coaster it has been. Today’s painting is “Salvo” (watercolour, 5″x5″). Last night’s show was fun, and I’m the speaker for a conference on getting into juried shows in an hour at Scarlet Seven Gallery. And, then I will get on the road headed for home with another stop over in Pennsylvania. Plus, it is the final day of the challenge. I needed the work. I needed the process. I needed the rollercoaster. Maybe I didn’t need to share it all so explicitly, but I did. So there. I feel like I have fired a canon into the world and wait with baited breath to feel the impact. An aggressive act of happy expectation. I am guilty of that –choosing happiness. It gets me in trouble. So here I am. Here it is. Trouble.
As a xerographist, my work tends to be, almost exclusively, representational. The 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge offered me an opportunity to revisit abstract painting as an alternate voice.
It is Day 25 of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge; today’s painting is “Tenebrific” (watercolour, 5″x5″). I had a such a hard day; an icy blue ugly day. Everyone has had one of those days. A day when you would have been better off pulling the covers over your head and waiting out the next revolution of the earth. This piece is that bottomless pool whose weight around your ankles keeps pulling you down while lulling your into complacency. How do I find the surface? Tomorrow is another day.
As a xerographist, my work tends to be, almost exclusively, representational. The 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge offers me an opportunity to revisit abstract painting as an alternate voice.
It is Day 20 of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge; my offering is “Meld” (watercolour, 5″x5″). Will be available for $40 in my Etsy Shop.
As a xerographist, my work tends to be, almost exclusively, representational. The 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge offers me an opportunity to revisit abstract painting as an alternate voice. Today’s painting is an exercise in controlled chaos. I didn’t make mud, so… success.
It is Day 10 of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge sponsored by painter Leslie Saeta. My tenth offering is “181º” acrylic & silver leaf on 5″×7″ unstretched canvas. Will be available in my Etsy Shop.
As a xerographist, my work tends to be, almost exclusively, representational. The 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge offers me an opportunity to revisit abstract painting as an alternate voice. If red is my happy place and yellow is angry, orange must necessarily be the narrow band of safety between the two, right? I struggle with complementary color use, but it felt right here. Today’s traffic circle spiral is dedicated to those seeking safety from hurricane Irma. Be safe. And, with unbleached titanium & cadmium red newly purchased, next week might take a turn. Stay tuned.
181º is tenth of a number of paintings inspired by traffic circles: “As a frequent traveler, I am both comforted and amused by the familiar behaviors found while traversing the traffic circle. Well-intentioned drivers lean forward to afford themselves a better view of street signs, use their right turn signal despite all options being right turns, momentarily hit the brakes not quite certain of their choice before barreling ahead often without noticing the presence or location of other drivers on the circle or having to go ’round again because they missed the mark the first time. It is sort of a perfect metaphor for navigating life.”
It is Day 5 of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge sponsored by painter Leslie Saeta. My fifth offering is “110º” acrylic & silver leaf on 5″×7″ unstretched canvas. Available for $50.
As a xerographist, my work tends to be, almost exclusively, representational. The 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge offers me an opportunity to revisit abstract painting as an alternate voice. For the past two days, these pieces have taken on an accidentally planetary path. To break this unintended, ever so slightly representational bent, I am going to vastly change up the color palette for day six. Stay tuned.
110º is fifth of a number of paintings inspired by traffic circles: “As a frequent traveler, I am both comforted and amused by the familiar behaviors found while traversing the traffic circle. Well-intentioned drivers lean forward to afford themselves a better view of street signs, use their right turn signal despite all options being right turns, momentarily hit the brakes not quite certain of their choice before barreling ahead often without noticing the presence or location of other drivers on the circle or having to go ’round again because they missed the mark the first time. It is sort of a perfect metaphor for navigating life.”
I love to paint. But because I am known for primarily for xerography, no one ever sees what I paint. At the recommendation of friend & painter, RoByn Thompson, I am taking the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge from Artist Leslie Saeta. (TW: @lbsaeta)