Artist R.L. Gibson

Category: Painting



I told you about my paper indulgences–art books.  I received a book in the mail that is, well, sort of priceless.  It is kind of a color by numbers without the numbers or paint kits. Abstracts in Acrylics [With Tracings] By Dani Humberstone ( 2011 ).  It comes with tracings of the artist/author’s abstract work along with step by step instructions on how to recreate her work.  This is a perfect example of my magpie ways.  I am attracted to the colorful and shiny and vibrant.  And, I don’t always pay attention to the details.  In this case, I fell in love with the color in the sample pages and had no idea what I was getting.  This will be a FANTASTIC way to to ease myself out of a future art rut.  Fun.  I have a funny feeling about this one.

Find a happy place. Go there.  And, go often.

Be sure to Follow Artist R.L. Gibson on Facebook!

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PAINTING: Abstraction

Inspiration for Artist R.L. Gibson!the why & the what

I’ve been getting a lot of inquiries that all say something a little like: “Why add paint?” to xerography.  Why now? What is that going to look like?

It is an evolution.  I’ve been working in black & white for SO LONG.  I love it.  I do.  I’ve always considered my work sort light-handed Pop Art, often with a dollop of Surrealism from my own photography.  But, when I appropriated family portraiture for the #DIKY series, it all began to unravel.  I have thousands of family photographs.  My family was prolific, but bizarrely enough, a lot of them don’t feel personal.  Honestly, they feel like my family posed as studies for the lifestyle advertising mock ups of the 1930s through the 1970s.  They are real people living glamorous lives without the benefit of money or extraordinary wealth.

They are just people truly LIVING.
They make me happy…


Loads of saturated color will help me share a portrait of what life can be if you are paying attention.  Color will help me express what it feels like TO LIVE.  So in the meantime, I study color theory & the techniques of abstract expressionists.  Today’s happy place–LIVING.

Find your happy place. Go there.  And, go often.

Be sure to Follow Artist R.L. Gibson on Facebook!

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PAPER indulgences…

to the books

As I prepare for my upcoming journey of adding color to my work–possibly on a semi-permanent basis, I have become excited by delving into color theory once again.  My eyes know the theory, but my brain has taken all for granted. So, I am allowing myself the ultimate indulgence of someone living a purposefully pared-down existence…art books–yum!

Deciding what NOT to purchase and/or borrow has been the hardest part. I’ll keep you updated on the books I love!  Today’s choice Confident Color: An Artist’s Guide To Harmony, Contrast And Unity by Nita Leland.  Today’s recovered art-i-fact from Confident Color: “Once in a while, you may want to go a little darker in value without overpowering that light feeling. [sic] Burnt Sienna turns any saturated paint color into an earth hue.”  Thanks, Nita! Burnt Sienna–today’s happy place.

Find your happy place. Go there.  And, go often.

Be sure to Follow Artist R.L. Gibson on Facebook!

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