Artist R.L. Gibson

Category: Media

KnoxZine COLORING page.

let it snow  LET IT SNOW   let it snow

Thanks to Knoxzine for publishing one of my recent illustrations “Let it Snow” just in time for last week’s Snowpocalypse across much of the eastern U.S.  Visit Knoxzine to download their special edition.  The original illustration looked a just a little different.  Click on the image below to print the previously-unpublished version of “Let it Snow”. (continues below)

"Let it Snow" by Artist R.L. GibsonYou can also download the .pdf version of “Let it Snow”. 

Stay tuned for new coloring pages from Artist R.L. Gibson!


Check out Mixed Media Artist Renee Suich!


Honored to have helped Renee Suich start building her new website!  I’m more than a little in love with her encaustic work. (continues below)

Check out Mixed Media artist Renee Suich's new website!
Encaustic work from the “Small Stories” series by Mixed Media artist Renee Suich!

Be sure to stop by her new site
& say hello (comment)!



IN THE PRESS: SavannahNow.com

HEARTBREAKER, not heart broken

Many thanks to SavannahNow for including my work in their coverage of “The Gift You Never Wanted” exhibit at the Non-Fiction Gallery in Savannah, GA, sponsored by ArtRise Savannah.  Here’s a link to the article. (continues below)

Artist R.L. Gibson covered by SavannahNow.com
Artist R.L. Gibson included in coverage by SavannahNow (click for full-size image)

The reception is Friday, December 18th from 6 to 9 pm (1522 Bull Street, Savannah), and the show runs through January 4th.  Both “Heartbreaker” & “Cut Throat” are 11″ x 14″ digital-collaged mixed media, rendered as xerography on canvas and are available for sale through the Non-Fiction Gallery.  Price available on inquiry.

Learn more about the #DIKY series!


Gifts in Savannah.

inheritance. thanks, but no thanks

I am proud to have both “Heartbreaker” & “Cut Throat” including in “The Gift You Never Wanted” exhibit at the Non-Fiction Gallery in Savannah, GA, sponsored by ArtRise Savannah.  Here’s a link to more info. (continues below)

The Gift You Never Wanted featuring work by Artist R.L. Gibson!

The reception is December 18th from 6 to 9 pm (1522 Bull Street, Savannah), and the show runs through January 4th.  Both “Heartbreaker” & “Cut Throat” are 11″ x 14″ digital-collaged mixed media, rendered as xerography on canvas and are available for sale through the Non-Fiction Gallery.  Price available on inquiry.

Learn more about the #DIKY series!

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Skate Art Show Reception

Artist R.L. Gibson at Dubuque Area Arts Collective's Skate Art Show!

Many thanks to Dubuque Area Arts Collective & The Dark Slide for including London Calling, México Floración & Miami Reclining in The Skate Art Show.  Here’s a glimpse of the November 28th opening. (click the image to enlarge)

The Decks will be for sale at the gallery (902 Main St, Dubuque IA) through the end of January.  Any unsold decks will be available for purchase online for a year. The exhibit will be open until the end of January on Saturdays and Sundays from 12 to 4pm.

Discover more illustrations from R.L. Gibson!

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RESULTS: Thankful

The work of Artist R.L. Gibson is to appear in the Lunch Ticket Journal!… a wonderful way to start
the “Thankful” holidays!

“Dear R.L. Gibson,  It is with great pleasure and excitement that I welcome you into the Lunch Ticket Literary Family. We receive a number of strong submissions each viewing period and choose the works we feel strongly represent Lunch Ticket’s Mission, while showcasing great talent and skill. We are so very excited to reproduce your collection, ‘Do I Know You?‘ — A Xerography Series.”

Thanks for the love, Lunch Ticket –a literary & art journal from the MFA community at Antioch University Los Angeles. I am looking forward to seeing my work among these pages.  As an English major with a concentration in Composition, this artist is particularly pleased to be included.  Be sure to check out their current issue.

3…2…1… Three acceptance letters spanning two bodies of work in one week puts such a smile on my face.  Thanks again.

Happy Holidays!

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Want & Will: The Birth of Discovery

"Discovery" by Artist R.L. Gibson
“Discovery” (digital & hand-drawn illustration) by Artist R.L. Gibson

All discovery of any sort requires a first step.  Those first steps are rarely technological.  Often, they are instead, steps of want and will and determination.

The average inhabitant of this planet is fascinated by space discovery and lunar exploration but feels ill-equipped to contribute.  That disconnect can be remedied by the reminder that discovery and exploration begin with curiosity… the same curiosity a child might have in whether or not one can touch the moon.  “Discovery” combines digital illustration with hand-drawn patterns–a blending of the technical with the rudimentary.

This was a themed project,
Click Here for add’l illustrations!


Snow Plant.

"Sarcodes sanguinea" by Artist R.L. Gibson

Sarcodes sanguinea, which translates roughly to “the bloody flesh-like thing”, is a fleshy saprophytic plant in the heath family, native to western North America, having a scaly reddish stalk and scarlet flowers and typically emerging early in the spring –often at the end of the snow melt.

Learn more about the
Wildflowers of Yosemite Nat’l Park!

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A needed distraction…

I’ve been knee-deep in an illustration that has my head swimming.  I REALLY needed a diversion when I tripped across this Call for the 46 Million Turkeys project… a perfect distraction. (continues below)

"1/46" for the 46 Million Turkeys project!

The 46 Million Turkeys project is a free, all-hung exhibit & ongoing project of the Fireseed Arts Gallery.  Shipping only costs a stamp since the dimensions are limited to 2″ x 2″.

Here’s my 1 of 46 Million, “1/46″…

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ART OPP: Yosemite

Snow Plant image from YosemiteExplorer.com
Snow Plant image from YosemiteExplorer.com

Have you ever been to Yosemite? 

Or, do you have work that was inspired by Yosemite?  Then check out this call for Yosemite Renaissance 31.  It is an open media Call for Entries for work inspired by its namesake.

If you’ve never been to Yosemite, but are motivated to enter anyway, good news… There are MANY public domain images of Yosemite available for inspiration, including the NPS Archives.  Please note, I am NOT encouraging you to use someone’s work that has NOT been released to public domain for your images.  Respect copyrights folks, please.

I am working on a piece featuring a snow plant, a common flower spike found in the area that often blooms through the snow just before the Spring melt.  Gorgeous, but complicated, not unlike the area.

Stay tuned to see the final image!
