Artist R.L. Gibson

Category: Illustration

DAY 10: Poulpe

"Poulpe" DETAIL by RLGibson (6"x6" watercolor on 140lb. coldpress)
“Poulpe” DETAIL by R.L. Gibson (6″x6″ watercolor on 140lb. coldpress)

It is DAY 10 the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge.  No themes, no rules, just paint.  I have been under the weather but my little poulpe (french for “octopus”) is bright & happy.  And you know how I love a bubble…

"Poulpe" by RLGibson (6"x6" watercolor on 140lb. coldpress)
“Poulpe” by R.L. Gibson (6″x6″ watercolor)

DAY 10:
(6″x 6″ watercolor on 140lb. coldpress)

During the February challenge, I am offering each piece at $25, including shipping inside the U.S., for two days after it is posted.  You can email me, message me on Facebook or Instagram with your email address for a PayPal invoice & your snail mail for shipping.  First message takes it.  

See you on DAY 11…

DAY 2: Perch

"Perch" DETAIL by R.L. Gibson (6"x6" watercolor on 140lb. coldpress)
“Perch” DETAIL by R.L. Gibson (6″x6″ watercolor on 140lb. coldpress)

It is DAY 2 the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge.  Last time I did abstract work exclusively.  This time I have sworn there are no themes, no rules, just paint… but this is the second bird in a row, ha, but this parakeet looks a bit like he’s headed for the disco. (Note to self: Step away from the metallics.)

DAY TWO: “Perch” (6″x6″ watercolor on 140lb. coldpress)

During the February challenge, I am offering each piece at $25, including shipping inside the U.S., for two days after it is posted.  (DAY 1: SOLD, yay!) You can email me, message me on Facebook or Instagram with your email address for a PayPal invoice & your snail mail for shipping.  First message takes it.  

See you on DAY 3…


(left to right) Bigelow's Monkeyflower & Firecracker Penstamon, digitial illustration,by R.L. Gibson
(left to right) Bigelow’s Monkeyflower & Firecracker Penstamon by R.L. Gibson


It was with tongue firmly planted in cheek that
I started working on a “native” series.

Of course, every flower is native
to somewhere



of SOUND mind.

Sound Mind Studio - logo development & esigned by R.L. Gibson

I enjoyed this logo development project for the newly formed Sound Mind Studios in Charleston, West Virginia!  Owner Daniel Cioffi’s love for recording & recording equipment combined with subtle references to the Beach Boys culminated in a retro-spectacular take on being of “sound mind.”

Need a logo for your creative biz? Contact R.L. Gibson!




A Good Egg.

"A Good Egg: Illustrations by R.L. Gibson" opens April 6th at Hale Springs Inn in Rogersville, TN.
“A Good Egg” illustration by Artist R.L. Gibson

“Back when we grew our own food, farming was, by its very nature, organic. Today, big agriculture has us convinced that organics are hipster privilege. Cashiers struggle to identify a turnip root. Children don’t know milk comes from cows. There are nineteen ingredients in McDonald’s french fries. We are more separated from our food than ever. Daily, we consume food about which we know nothing. By choice. We want food cheap & easy even if it kills us. We will pay $5 for drive-thru coffee but not for a dozen fresh eggs. “A Good Egg” asks the metaphorical question, can we recover our connection to food? What amount of ornament, decoration or spin does it take to make real food, food again?” – R.L. Gibson

“A Good Egg” is a developing series of 23 illustrations
by Artist R.L. Gibson.




Inspired by the music, again, I couldn’t resist subtle rebellion of these #shoegaze wonders from Baltimore, Wildhoney, hence the hornet, not #honeybee. (continues below)

Wildhoney poster illustration by Artist R.L. Gibson!

Enjoy more illustrations from Artist R.L. Gibson!

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the BEAT goes on.

Musical inspiration for my illustration work continues with this poster for Motel Radio playing at the Savannah Stopover Music Festival. Take a look.

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Motel Radio poster design by artist R.L. Gibson!

Check out more illustration work by artist R.L.Gibson!




Appalachian PUNK.

Appalachian Punk.  Its a thing.  I promise.

I am flattered to have been commissioned by Sheldon Vance, an Appalachian Punk musician from Charleston, WV to build a fitting image for his upcoming mini-tour.  It is built upon a stylized Converse® illustration that I haven’t technically finished.  Take a look. (continues below)

Sheldon Vance poster illustrated by artist R.L. Gibson!

Stay tuned  for the finished illustration!



KnoxZine COLORING page.

let it snow ❄ LET IT SNOW ❄  let it snow

Thanks to Knoxzine for publishing one of my recent illustrations “Let it Snow” just in time for last week’s Snowpocalypse across much of the eastern U.S.  Visit Knoxzine to download their special edition.  The original illustration looked a just a little different.  Click on the image below to print the previously-unpublished version of “Let it Snow”. (continues below)

"Let it Snow" by Artist R.L. GibsonYou can also download the .pdf version of “Let it Snow”. 

Stay tuned for new coloring pages from Artist R.L. Gibson!


Skate Art Show Reception

Artist R.L. Gibson at Dubuque Area Arts Collective's Skate Art Show!

Many thanks to Dubuque Area Arts Collective & The Dark Slide for including London Calling, México Floración & Miami Reclining in The Skate Art Show.  Here’s a glimpse of the November 28th opening. (click the image to enlarge)

The Decks will be for sale at the gallery (902 Main St, Dubuque IA) through the end of January.  Any unsold decks will be available for purchase online for a year. The exhibit will be open until the end of January on Saturdays and Sundays from 12 to 4pm.

Discover more illustrations from R.L. Gibson!

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