Artist R.L. Gibson

Category: Emerging Artists



Images from the Psychomachia series by Artist R.L. Gibson

I am so excited to have received this little present (see below) in my email inbox today. That right, folks.  Here’s the poster for my upcoming solo show at RicRoks Tattoos in L.A. this December.  The show is also being sponsored by The Haggus Society, Fractured Atlas and UPrinting.com.  Thanks for all the support!

Cohesion Collision featuring Artist R.L. Gibson sponsored by RicRok Tattoos and The Haggus Society!

Follow Artist R.L. Gibson on Facebook for updates!


Pink Slip made of crayons at the Hotel Preston!



Hotel Lingerie

While staying in Nashville a couple of weekends ago, my husband and I shacked up at the Hotel Preston with our complimentary rubber duckie and pet fish.

Hotel Preston is a mid-priced renovation of an old Radisson, but we really enjoyed the tongue-in-cheek decor. From the holographic wall art to the red-dyed cow hide wall covering in the elevator, it was an entertaining atmosphere considering the $74 per night deal we got on hotwire.com for this “boutique hotel” near the airport(compared to the $129 at the desk).

I took a liking to the Pink Slip (pictured left) made from crayons; however, I can’t figure out who the artist is. Does anyone know? I found it on The Telegraph… no mention of the artist.  Update…reader Jody Springer was kind enough to send me a link to Herb Williams, the creator of the crayon slip!  Check out the rest of his work!

ENVY: The Midget


Psychomachia, the collaborative show for Artist R.L. Gibson and Photographer Jerry Portelli is opening at Perihelion Arts in Phoenix, AZ on March 31 & April 1st…Less than 4 days away. the final canvases have been shipped from Tennessee, R.L. Gibson flies out Wednesday. Take a look at the fourth release of full images and leave a comment.

Enjoy a first glimpse of full images of
 Envy: The Midget*
from Psychomachia!

Click to learn more about the Psychomachia show from Artist R.L. Gibson and photographer Jerry Portelli!

Click to learn more about the Psychomachia show!

Stay tuned for the release of additional images!

* Please note that use of the term “midget” is intended to refer to the venacular of the time period in which sideshow freaks existed, and NOT meant in any derogatory manner.  We mean no respect to little people anywhere.

ART Publication Anyone?

Tired?  Me too.I’ve been trying to carve out the time to enter shows and answer calls for submissions and blog at ArtAndArtDeadlines.com and finish a show for this fall and write four more Pea Pickin’ Hearts songs before August and improve my autoharp skills. 

Are you tired yet?  Me too.

Nonetheless, I submitted work to this Independent Arts & Culture Newspaper because they made it SO easy.  Check it out:

Here’s the call…HURRY!

Final Call for Arts and Writing magazine submissions

Check out The Flaneur online!The next issue of The Flaneur (click here for the name origin) is publishing as a newspaper and as an iPhone app.

If you are a writer or artist and are interested in being a part of this project please submit reviews, short fiction, flash art, cartoons, articles, poetry, short fiction.

They are interested in anything cultural. Take a look at their What We Publish Page if you have questions.

Please email your work to editor@flaneur.me.uk with ‘Flaneur submission’ in the title.

Please note that contributors are not currently paid.


Follow Artist R.L. Gibson on Twitter!I’ve had a very small handful of bad experience with art galleries and dealers, but I run into artists all the time that share with me their bad experiences.

The name of the game is:

Trust your gut

Don’t be overwhelmed by flattery…no matter how badly you need to hear it…


Read the article at ArtBusiness.com!Here’s a great article about How to Spot a Bad Art Gallery or Dealer from ArtBusiness.com . Thanks to my friend Michaela Pilar Brown for pointing it out to me!

FEATURED: Toni’s Treehouse

R.L. Gibson--Your resident Blogger!I believe this may be my first post for Art & Art Deadlines.com that does not directly relate to art…or food. It is personal and may make you a little uncomfortable. But, I don’t think you will be disappointed.

I met Toni Turbeville approximately 15 years ago in a class at the University of South Carolina. We weren’t incredibly fond of each other at first but had many of the same friends and ended up together on a regular basis.

Toni TurbevilleI thought she was a big mouth; she thought I was a, well, a bitch. Eventually, all of our friends had other classes, and it was just the two of us–alone together.

The friendship stuck in a manner I never thought imaginable. We have been on hideous road trips to Union, SC (don’t ask), been through both divorces and re-marriages (and the bridesmaid dresses that go with them), co-owned a business (with a partners desk) and co-managed multiple rock bands.

We have survived the bitter ugliness of truths that cannot be unsaid. We have shared art, too much wine and enough nicotine to kill a horse. We have fought the bulge– both winning and losing depending on the year.

Toni's Treehouse!She is the god-mother of my child.

She is talented and funny and way off center in a delightful way. Why should you care? In addition to being a great artist, designer, and public relations maven, she has a talent for the written word. And finally, after years of stops and starts, she has published Toni’s Treehouse–a blog capturing the whimsy of childhood, the necessity of laundry, and all the vittles you can whip up in a hurry while life passes you in a blur.

Art & Art Deadlines.com is proud to be the Featured Sponsor of Toni’s Treehouse for the month of February. It is about babies and motherhood and television and cooking and everything and nothing. It brightens my day and inspires me to get off the couch…if only to put on clean pajamas. The Everyone has Garbage post almost made me wet my pants. Visit and Enjoy!

Visit Toni's Treehouse!

RECEPTION: Arts in the Airport

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I recently posted an update about my being juried into the Arts in the Airport show.  On Thursday November 5th, I got to attend my first show opening and reception located in an airport.  Click Here to see all of the work in the Arts in the Airport show.

See all the work in the Arts In The Airport show!First, my kudos go out to the Knoxville Airport Authority’s devotion to the arts and willingness to put their money where their mouths are by offering $1000 in awards and NO ENTRY FEE.  Secondly, I want to applaud how well the reception and viewing were handled considering all the security issues surrounding any event held in the airport.

My husband, son Oscar and I drove approximately 1.5 hours to attend, and I had a great time.  Here are some pictures of the event:
















I've never had to remove my belt to view art before!Off with the fabulous Isaac Mizrahi booties too!











We finally made it to the exhibit in groups of 5!Oscar found his favorite quickly...it figures that it wasn't mine, eh?







Pieces of Me: Fat by and beside R.L. GibsonMore art found in the airport lobby!











Don’t forget to send your artwork and result to www.ArtandArtDeadlines.com.


LINKS I LOVE: Alphabet Soup Word Generator

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Okay, I added a blog category today–Links I Love. I trip across them and have them sent to me all the time.  Here’s one that made me smile–the Alphabet Soup Work Generator.  Thanks to Toni Turbeville for this one.

Try the Alphabet Soup Word Generator!

Send me the links that YOU love!

–R.L. Gibson