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If you need help, consolidating your online presence as an artist, your opportunity to hear what I have learned as an artist and Editor of artandartdeadlines.com, is Wednesday, January 13th at The Emporium Center, sponsored by the Arts & Culture Alliance. (continues below)

During the FIRST HOUR: Learn how to create a strategy to more effectively present yourself & your work by discovering what you project & how others perceive you. You ARE your brand.
During the SECOND HOUR: Learn how branding yourself as an artist relates to planning your next show. Why do some people get solo shows and some can’t even get juried into group shows? Creativity isn’t all rainbows and unicorns. Planning and strategy are key. Find your niche, and don’t waiver from your brand.
The presentation is January 13th at The Emporium Center starting at 5:30pm. $8 for members of the Arts & Culture Alliance and $12 for non-members. The Alliance will provide a light snack and water. For more info, go to: knoxalliance.com.
To reserve your spot, contact Suzanne
at (865)523-7543 or sc@knoxalliance.com.