The Bitters 2: We’re Fucked
February 23rd – April 14th, 2018
Opening Reception: Friday, February 23rd, 7-10pm
In times of cynicism, disgust and hopelessness, we look for outlets to express our frustrations, as well as our aspirations for action and change. We decided to take one of our favorite exhibitions and reboot it in this current time of disillusionment and subjective truth. The Bitters 2: We’re Fucked explores how we currently cope with lies, greed, conflict, inequality, and paranoia – with all the sarcasm, and overall disenchantment that made the first The Bitters exhibition so satisfying.
While all ages are welcome, please know this exhibition might make you laugh, make you uncomfortable or even straight up make you angry. Not all work may be appropriate for young or sensitive viewers.
Exhibiting artists:
Vanessa Motano
E.J. Cobb
Michael Polakowski
Thom Sawyer
Briar Craig
Caroline Del Giudice
Gutwald Emargut
Melissa Dettloff
Stephen William Schudlich
Connie Noyes
Brach Goodman
William Charland
Brandin Barón
Joseph Kameen
Lorenza Centi
Simone Schiffmacher
Kevin Kuenster
R.L. Gibson
Michael A. Garguilo
Suzanna Scott
Ryan Standfest
John Sippel
John Maggie
Scott Anderson
Gigi Salij
Janet Braun-Reinitz
Skip Davis
Ray Domzalski Jr.
Lucy Cahill
Leroi DeRubertis
Rachel & Robert Zahorsky
Andy Malone
Joe Bazzi
Whitney Sage
Walter Jackson
You are welcome to visit Whitdel Arts for the opening reception at 1111 Bellevue St., Suite 110, Detroit. See the Facebook event page here.
Questions? Email JenClare at jenclare@whitdelarts.com.