See the work of Artist R.L. Gibson at the “American Vices” exhibit at the Non-Fiction Gallery sponsored by ArtRise Savannah!
“Back when we grew our own food, farming was, by its very nature, organic. Today, big agriculture has us convinced that organics are hipster privilege. Cashiers struggle to identify a turnip root. Children don’t know milk comes from cows. There are nineteen ingredients in McDonald’s french fries. We are more separated from our food than ever. Daily, we consume food about which we know nothing. By choice. We want food cheap & easy even if it kills us. We will pay $5 for drive-thru coffee but not for a dozen fresh eggs. “A Good Egg” asks the metaphorical question, can we recover our connection to food? What amount of ornament, decoration or spin does it take to make real food, food again?” – R.L. Gibson
Inspired by the music, again, I couldn’t resist subtle rebellion of these #shoegaze wonders from Baltimore, Wildhoney, hence the hornet, not #honeybee. (continues below)
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Musical inspiration for my illustration work continues with this poster for Motel Radio playing at the Savannah Stopover Music Festival. Take a look.
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I am flattered to have been commissioned by Sheldon Vance, an Appalachian Punk musician from Charleston, WV to build a fitting image for his upcoming mini-tour. It is built upon a stylized Converse® illustration that I haven’t technically finished. Take a look. (continues below)
In the past weeks, I have had the pleasure of working with two new clients as a branding consultant.
Say hello to Emily Shane, an artist whose current assemblage work makes use of Reader’s Digest Condensed Books (#RDCB). Take a moment to look at her new website; then find Emily on FB, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Etsy. Plus… (continues below)
Renee Suich, a mixed media artist whose work includes both collage and encaustic work. Be sure to check out her new website; then find her on Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest!
Thanks to Knoxzine for publishing one of my recent illustrations “Let it Snow” just in time for last week’s Snowpocalypse across much of the eastern U.S. Visit Knoxzine to download their special edition. The original illustration looked a just a little different. Click on the image below to print the previously-unpublished version of “Let it Snow”. (continues below)
You can also download the .pdf version of “Let it Snow”.
It was my privilege to work with more than 50 attendees at the “Branding Yourself as an Artist Workshop” at the Arts & Culture Alliance at The Emporium Center in Knoxville, January 13th. (continues below)
Follow-up questions are still coming in via e-mail, and I am continuing extensive individual consultations. If you are interested in branding consultation including web design, social media, graphic design & the “how-to” of keeping it all fresh & up to date, email me at or leave a message at 865-253-6543.
If you need help, consolidating your online presence as an artist, your opportunity to hear what I have learned as an artist and Editor of, is Wednesday, January 13th at The Emporium Center, sponsored by the Arts & Culture Alliance. (continues below)
During the FIRST HOUR: Learn how to create a strategy to more effectively present yourself & your work by discovering what you project & how others perceive you. You ARE your brand.
During the SECOND HOUR: Learn how branding yourself as an artist relates to planning your next show. Why do some people get solo shows and some can’t even get juried into group shows? Creativity isn’t all rainbows and unicorns. Planning and strategy are key. Find your niche, and don’t waiver from your brand.
The presentation is January 13th at The Emporium Center starting at 5:30pm. $8 for members of the Arts & Culture Alliance and $12 for non-members. The Alliance will provide a light snack and water. For more info, go to:
Honored to have helped Renee Suich start building her new website! I’m more than a little in love with her encaustic work. (continues below)