Artist R.L. Gibson

Category: Artist R.L. Gibson

DILIGENCE: The Tattooed Lady

Click to Follow Artist R.L. Gibson by Email!HEY SAILOR!

Thank you for all the feedback on the Psychomachia sneak previews. I really appreciate your patience on seeing the full images.

Here’s another cropped
piece of the puzzle…Diligence, The Tattooed Lady!

I’ve been working on Psychomachia show for 1 1/2 years now, and we have booked the opening at Perihelion Arts on March 31st of 2011. Psychomachia is a series of fourteen pieces from myself and Arizona artist photographer Jerry Portelli.

I have 14 of the images completed.

Although I still have to finish the reveals. This work reinterprets the Seven Deadly Sins and the Seven Holy Virtues in a series of 14 diptychs, one from me and one from artist Jerry Portelli. The aesthetic theme is the sideshow freak from the circus and fairs of yesteryear–nature’s artwork, if you will combined with some tribal tattoo designs.

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LUST: The Three Legged Man REVEALED!

Click to Follow Artist R.L. Gibson by Email!LUSTY LEGS!

Thank you for all the feedback on the Psychomachia sneak previews. I really appreciate your patience on seeing the full images. 

Here’s another cropped
piece of the puzzle…Lust,
the Three Legged Man

I’ve been working on Psychomachia show for 1 1/2 years now, and we have booked the opening at Perihelion Arts on March 31st of 2011. Psychomachia is a series of fourteen pieces from myself and Arizona artist photographer Jerry Portelli

I have 14 of the images completed.

Although I still have to finish the reveals. This work reinterprets the Seven Deadly Sins and the Seven Holy Virtues in a series of 14 diptychs, one from me and one from artist Jerry Portelli. The aesthetic theme is the sideshow freak from the circus and fairs of yesteryear–nature’s artwork, if you will. 

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PSYCHOMACHIA: Kindness, the Pin Head

KINDNESS:  The Human Pin Head

Thank you for all the feedback on the Psychomachia sneak previews. I appreciate your patience on seeing the full images.

Click to Follow Artist R.L. Gibson by Email!

Here’s another cropped
piece of the puzzle…
Kindness, the Human Pin Head!

I’ve been working on Psychomachia show for 1 1/2 years now, and we have booked the opening at Perihelion Arts on March 31st of 2011. Psychomachia is a series of fourteen pieces from myself and Arizona artist photographer Jerry Portelli.

I have 14 of the images completed.

Although I still have to finish the reveals. I’ll post an image in the middle of reveal later this week to explain.  This work reinterprets the Seven Deadly Sins and the Seven Holy Virtues in a series of 14 diptychs, one from me and one from artist Jerry Portelli. The aesthetic theme is the sideshow freak from the circus and fairs of yesteryear–nature’s artwork, if you will.

 Follow the progress by Email!

TEMPERANCE: The Living Human Skeleton

Click to follow Artist R.L. Gibson by Email!THE SKINNY

Thank you for all the feedback on the Psychomachia sneak previews. I appreciate your patience on seeing the full images.  

Here’s another cropped
piece of the puzzle…Temperance,
the Human Skeleton


I’ve been working on Psychomachia show for 1 1/2 years now, and we have booked the opening at Perihelion Arts on March 31st of 2011.  Psychomachia is a series of fourteen pieces from myself and Arizona artist photographer Jerry Portelli

I have 14 of the images completed.


Although I still have to finish the reveals. This work reinterprets the Seven Deadly Sins and the Seven Holy Virtues in a series of 14 diptychs, one from me and one from artist Jerry Portelli. The aesthetic theme is the sideshow freak from the circus and fairs of yesteryear–nature’s artwork, if you will.

Follow the progress by Email!



PSYCHOMACHIA: Envy Revealed!

Click here to follow Artist R.L. Gibson by Email!GREEN-EYED

Thank you for all the feedback on the Psychomachia sneak previews. I appreciate your patience on seeing the full images.

Here’s another cropped
piece of the puzzle
Envy, the Dwarf!


I’ve been working on Psychomachia show for 1 1/2 years now, and we have booked the opening at Perihelion Arts on March 31st of 2011. It is a series of 14 pieces from myself and Arizona artist Jerry Portelli.

I now have all 14
of the images completed.


Although I still have to finish the reveals. This work reinterprets the Seven Deadly Sins and the Seven Holy Virtues in a series of 14 diptychs, one from me and one from artist Jerry Portelli. The aesthetic theme is the sideshow freak from the circus and fairs of yesteryear–nature’s artwork, if you will.

Follow the progress by Email!


Click to follow Artist R.L. Gibson by Email!FURRY FAITH

Thank you for all the feedback on the Psychomachia sneak previews. I appreciate your patience on seeing the full images.

Here’s another piece of the puzzle… Charity!

I’ve been working on Psychomachia show for 1 1/2 years now, and we have booked the opening at Perihelion Arts on March 31st of 2011. It is a series of 14 pieces from myself and Arizona artist Jerry Portelli.

I now have all 14
of the images completed.


Although I still have to finish the reveals. This work reinterprets the Seven Deadly Sins and the Seven Holy Virtues in a series of 14 diptychs, one from me and one from artist Jerry Portelli. The aesthetic theme is the sideshow freak from the circus and fairs of yesteryear–nature’s artwork, if you will.

Follow the progress by Email!


Click to follow Artist R.L. Gibson by Email!


Thank you for all the feedback on the Psychomachia sneak previews.   I appreciate your patience on seeing the full images.

Here’s another piece of the puzzle… Chastity!

I’ve been working on Psychomachia show for 1 1/2 years now, and we have booked the opening at Perihelion Arts on March 31st of 2011.  It is a series of 14 pieces from myself and Arizona artist Jerry Portelli. 

I now have all 14
of the images completed. 

 Although I still have to finish the reveals.  This work reinterprets the Seven Deadly Sins and the Seven Holy Virtues in a series of 14 diptychs, one from me and one from artist Jerry Portelli.  The aesthetic theme is the sideshow freak from the circus and fairs of yesteryear–nature’s artwork, if you will. 

Follow the progress by Email!

NEXT PROJECT: Installation at The Soap Factory?

Click to follow Artist R.L. Gibson by Email!MONEY FOR DESSERT

Most professional artists rely on art sales for income. Most emerging artists hope for art sales for extra income for supplies. Many prestigious art shows come with publicity and great printed materials, but lots of artists never get to go to out-of-town openings due to financial constraints.

So, how do you afford to produce
artwork, submit work, get to
attend the openings and still
afford to eat dessert?

Maybe this Call for Submissions from The Soap Factory could be the answer to your art entry problems. The Soap factory is looking for work for group exhibits, AND they offer installation support, travel, accommodations, and a stipend to those selected to exhibit.  Sign me up!

I stretched my wings and sent in an application
of my work as an installation.
You’ve got 6 1/2 days to get it postmarked…better hurry.

CALL for SUBMISSIONS: The Soap Factory

The Soap Factory exhibits work in its galleries throughout the year. Exhibitions curated from submissions are typically comprised of 8-10 artists. The Soap Factory is a 120-year old ex-industrial warehouse on the banks of the Mississippi River in Minneapolis.

Visit The Soap Factory online!They have no climate control, air conditioning or permanent heating system; please bear this in mind when submitting your work. Projects by individual artists that propose to use the entire 12,000 sq feet of gallery space are always encouraged.

They are particularly interested in proposals conceived specifically for The Soap Factory galleries. (So do your homework!) Their programming is unique in that they select only a small proportion of the artists they exhibit from their pool of submissions. They commonly receive 400 artist submissions per season.

DEADLINE: November 30, 2010. They do NOT accept e-mailed submissions so this is a POSTMARK deadline.

REVIEW DATES: Submissions are reviewed for exhibition between May 1st and October 31st.

Create work for the Soap Factory space!NOTIFICATION: March 2011

They may keep your submission on file for up to 8 months. Do not call or email to check on your submission. The Soap Factory does not return work. Please only send materials that you do not need to be returned.

COVER PAGE indicating the following information: Name, Email, Phone, Address, Medium of submission

IMAGES: Up to ten color images of your work on disc. Digital images must be Mac compatible (jPeg, tif, pdf) not less than 1500×2100 pixels. Each submitted image MUST ALSO BE PRINTED IN HARD COPY. Submissions that do not include hard copy images WILL NOT BE REVIEWED.

RESUME, artist statement and project description/ proposal.

Please submit any video on DVD. DVD must be in Zone 1 format (readable in USA).


Create work for the Soap Factory space!The Soap Factory is committed to diversity in audience, staff and programming. To assist them in achieving our diversity goals, please indicate your ethnicity or cultural background. Please note that compliance or non-compliance with this request will NOT affect the status of your submission.

The Soap Factory provides full installation support for all selected projects, including travel and accommodation, as well as a stipend to artists. They provide publicity, exhibition invitations, mailings, opening reception and artist talks. However, they do not provide insurance coverage for work exhibited at The Soap Factory. All work is shown at the artist’s own risk.

Mail submissions to:

Program Manager
The Soap Factory
514 2nd St SE
Minneapolis, MN 55414

Questions? Visit The Soap Factory Submissions Page!

FINISHED with Greed!

Click to follow Artist R.L. Gibson by Email!Glorious
Number 14

I’ve been working on Psychomachia show for 1 1/2 years now, and we have booked the opening at Perihelion Arts on March 31st of 2011.  It is a series of 14 pieces from myself and Arizona artist Jerry Portelli. 

I now have all 14
of the images completed. 

 This work reinterprets the Seven Deadly Sins and the Seven Holy Virtues in a series of 14 diptychs, one from me and one from artist Jerry Portelli.  The aesthetic theme is the sideshow freak from the circus and fairs of yesteryear–nature’s artwork, if you will. 

The crop of my new Greed image doesn’t really show much.  So, I thought I’d offer a glimpse of my inspiration for Greed:  The HermaphroditeThe Nymph Salmacis and Hermaphroditus by Francois-Joseph Navez



Click to follow R.L. Gibson by Email!3rd Time was NOT a Charm

Have you ever had a piece of artwork just beat you down?  I’ve been working on Psychomachia show for 1 1/2 years now, and we have booked the opening at Perihelion Arts on March 31st of 2011.  It is a series of 14 pieces from myself and Arizona artist Jerry Portelli. 

I have 12 of the 14 pieces completed. 

The first piece I attempted and completed for Psychomachia art show was called Gluttony, and I hated it (as I have mentioned before).  I have redone this piece over and over.  And, on the fourth try…I think I’ve got it. 

Thirteen down…Greed to go. 

I can’t reveal the whole piece until the show opens, but here’s just a taste.  Enjoy!