Artist R.L. Gibson

Category: art supplies

GO BIG: Day 1

Vote for "Chastity"by RL Gibson in the GO BIG contest!Robert Mapplethorpe once said, “To make pictures big is to make them more powerful.”  Blick®, Canson®, Liquitex® & Loew Cornell® have teamed up & invited artists to GO BIG!

Click http://bit.ly/29QsRTj to vote for
R.L. Gibson’s “Chastity”
(24″x24″ xerography on canvas) August 1 – 7 !


The top 5 vote-getters will win a prizes (valued at more than $390) including:

Canson Foundation Canva-Paper Roll, 48″ x 10 yd (08912-4810; a $86.30 value)
Canson XL Mix Media Paper Roll, 48″ x 10 yd (12468-1481; a $31.80 value)
Canson Montval Watercolor Paper Roll, 48″ x 5 yd (10075-1485; a $48.75 value)
Liquitex Soft Body Acrylic, Classic 8-Jar Set (00616-1019; a $58.49 value)
Liquitex Heavy Body Acrylic, Studio 6-Tube Set (00617-1029; a $49.09 value)
Liquitex Professional Paint Markers, Fluorescent Set of 6 (19919-1109; a $41.99 value)
Loew-Cornell Oil/Acrylic Brush Wrap, Set of 18 (06947-1189; a $19.29 value)
Loew-Cornell Brush Tub II (06934-1009; a $13.59 value)
Loew-Cornell Wash Brush, 2″ Brown Nylon (06946-1002; a $13.59 value)
Loew-Cornell Wash Brush, 2″ White Nylon (06946-2002; a $13.59 value)
Loew-Cornell Utility Brushes, Bristle Set of 3 (05656-1039; a $4.69 value)
Loew-Cornell Utility Brushes, Brown Nylon Set of 3 (05655-1039; a $4.69 value)
Loew-Cornell Utility Brushes, White Nylon Set of 3 (05690-1039; a $4.69 value)

*An add’l 20 entrants will be selected at random to receive a $25 Blick gift card.

Please VOTE for R.L. Gibson’s “Chastity” today!



BEFORE: The Dark Slide

How excited am I?

My decks have arrived.  Special thanks goes out to Zumiez (Sevierville, TN) & Headquarters Skateshop (Knoxville, TN) for hooking me up with decks for my new project for The Dark Slide sponsored by the Dubuque Area Arts Collective. (continues below)

Skate Decks for The Dark Slide project by Artist R.L. Gibson sponsored by Dubuque Area Arts Collective!

The next step is to get them sanded, primed & gesso’d for illustration transfers.  I kind of hate to sand them down because they already look pretty rad even in their current state.  But, I just gotta.  In addition to being a great art project for me, it is also a benefit for a new skatepark in Dubuque, Iowa.

Stay tuned for updates on
The Dark Slide project!




So many of you have asked me about my preference in colored gesso.  I have pretty standard preferences in gel medium (Liquitex) and acrylic paint (Golden).  I find that an art supply is usually popular for a reason.  But occasionally, I find favorites by accident. (continues below)

First coat of gesso, Carmine by Holbein

I’ve spent years contemplating the addition of color and texture to my xerography, but all experiments have failed to impress.  Xerography, by my method, is tricky and inflexible.  Holbein to the rescue.  Lots of the big name manufacturers offer white, black & gray gesso.  But the 22 colors offered by Holbein make my heart sing (non-affiliate link). Did I mention that the packaging helps you squeeze out every last drop and makes mixing a dream? LOVE.  Carmine is my favorite.  I’ve added my first coats of gesso in prep for transfer…then paint.

Stay tuned…