Artist R.L. Gibson

Author: R.L. Gibson

DAY 1: 91°

"91º" acrylic & silver leaf on 5"×7" unstretched canvas by R.L. Gibson
“91º” acrylic & silver leaf on 5″×7″ unstretched canvas by R.L. Gibson

Today marks the beginning of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge sponsored by painter Leslie Saeta.  On day one, I offer “91º” acrylic & silver leaf on 5″×7″ unstretched canvas.  Available for $50.

As a xerographist, my work tends to be, almost exclusively, representational.  I have struggled lately to find a representational voice for my changing motivation to create work.  The 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge offers me an opportunity to revisit abstract painting as an alternate voice.

91º is one of a number of paintings that are inspired by traffic circles.  As a frequent traveler, I am both comforted and amused by the familiar behaviors found while traversing the traffic circle.  Well-intentioned drivers lean forward to afford themselves a better view of street signs, use their right turn signal despite all options being right turns, momentarily hit the brakes not quite certain of their choice before barreling ahead often without noticing the presence or location of other drivers on the circle or having to go ’round again because they missed the mark the first time.  It is sort of a perfect metaphor for navigating life. 

Let’s see where it takes me.



30 in 30

Artist R.L. Gibson takes the 30 Paintings in 30 days Challenge!I love to paint. But because I am known for primarily for xerography, no one ever sees what I paint. At the recommendation of friend & painter, RoByn Thompson​, I am taking the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge from Artist Leslie Saeta. (TW: @lbsaeta) 

Painting begins September 1st.  Stay tuned!

L’Orgine du Monde: Eroticism

Images by Artist RLGibson at Scarlet Seven Gallery in the "L'Origine du Monde: Eroticism" exhibit!!
Jon Gernon, co-owner of Scarlet Seven Gallery & curator of “L’Origine du Monde: Eroticism,” talks about the show on Tuesday, Aug. 22, 2017, in Troy, N.Y. (Paul Buckowski / Times Union)

“L’Origine du monde: Eroticism” runs Aug. 25 – Sept 24 at Scarlet Seven Gallery in Troy, NY.  I am excited to have two images, ventre de la bête & “coffre au tresor”, appearing in this show.

Follow Artist R.L. Gibson on Facebook!


(left to right) Bigelow's Monkeyflower & Firecracker Penstamon, digitial illustration,by R.L. Gibson
(left to right) Bigelow’s Monkeyflower & Firecracker Penstamon by R.L. Gibson


It was with tongue firmly planted in cheek that
I started working on a “native” series.

Of course, every flower is native
to somewhere




LAST DAY to VOTE is Sunday, AUGUST 7th!

Vote for "Chastity"by RL Gibson in the GO BIG contest!Robert Mapplethorpe once said, “To make pictures big is to make them more powerful.” Blick®, Canson®, Liquitex® & Loew Cornell® have teamed up & invited artists to GO BIG!

Click http://bit.ly/29QsRTj to vote for
R.L. Gibson’s “Chastity”
(24″x24″ xerography on canvas) August 1 – 7 !


The top 5 vote-getters will win a prizes (valued at more than $390) including:

Canson® Foundation Canva-Paper Roll, 48″ x 10 yd (08912-4810; a $86.30 value)
Canson® XL Mix Media Paper Roll, 48″ x 10 yd (12468-1481; a $31.80 value)
Canson® Montval Watercolor Paper Roll, 48″ x 5 yd (10075-1485; a $48.75 value)
Liquitex® Soft Body Acrylic, Classic 8-Jar Set (00616-1019; a $58.49 value)
Liquitex® Heavy Body Acrylic, Studio 6-Tube Set (00617-1029; a $49.09 value)
Liquitex® Professional Paint Markers, Fluorescent Set of 6 (19919-1109; a $41.99 value)
Loew-Cornell® Oil/Acrylic Brush Wrap, Set of 18 (06947-1189; a $19.29 value)
Loew-Cornell® Brush Tub II (06934-1009; a $13.59 value)
Loew-Cornell® Wash Brush, 2″ Brown Nylon (06946-1002; a $13.59 value)
Loew-Cornell® Wash Brush, 2″ White Nylon (06946-2002; a $13.59 value)
Loew-Cornell® Utility Brushes, Bristle Set of 3 (05656-1039; a $4.69 value)
Loew-Cornell® Utility Brushes, Brown Nylon Set of 3 (05655-1039; a $4.69 value)
Loew-Cornell® Utility Brushes, White Nylon Set of 3 (05690-1039; a $4.69 value)

*An add’l 20 entrants will be selected at random to receive a $25 Blick gift card.

Please VOTE for R.L. Gibson’s “Chastity” today!




GO BIG: Day 1

Vote for "Chastity"by RL Gibson in the GO BIG contest!Robert Mapplethorpe once said, “To make pictures big is to make them more powerful.”  Blick®, Canson®, Liquitex® & Loew Cornell® have teamed up & invited artists to GO BIG!

Click http://bit.ly/29QsRTj to vote for
R.L. Gibson’s “Chastity”
(24″x24″ xerography on canvas) August 1 – 7 !


The top 5 vote-getters will win a prizes (valued at more than $390) including:

Canson Foundation Canva-Paper Roll, 48″ x 10 yd (08912-4810; a $86.30 value)
Canson XL Mix Media Paper Roll, 48″ x 10 yd (12468-1481; a $31.80 value)
Canson Montval Watercolor Paper Roll, 48″ x 5 yd (10075-1485; a $48.75 value)
Liquitex Soft Body Acrylic, Classic 8-Jar Set (00616-1019; a $58.49 value)
Liquitex Heavy Body Acrylic, Studio 6-Tube Set (00617-1029; a $49.09 value)
Liquitex Professional Paint Markers, Fluorescent Set of 6 (19919-1109; a $41.99 value)
Loew-Cornell Oil/Acrylic Brush Wrap, Set of 18 (06947-1189; a $19.29 value)
Loew-Cornell Brush Tub II (06934-1009; a $13.59 value)
Loew-Cornell Wash Brush, 2″ Brown Nylon (06946-1002; a $13.59 value)
Loew-Cornell Wash Brush, 2″ White Nylon (06946-2002; a $13.59 value)
Loew-Cornell Utility Brushes, Bristle Set of 3 (05656-1039; a $4.69 value)
Loew-Cornell Utility Brushes, Brown Nylon Set of 3 (05655-1039; a $4.69 value)
Loew-Cornell Utility Brushes, White Nylon Set of 3 (05690-1039; a $4.69 value)

*An add’l 20 entrants will be selected at random to receive a $25 Blick gift card.

Please VOTE for R.L. Gibson’s “Chastity” today!



of SOUND mind.

Sound Mind Studio - logo development & esigned by R.L. Gibson

I enjoyed this logo development project for the newly formed Sound Mind Studios in Charleston, West Virginia!  Owner Daniel Cioffi’s love for recording & recording equipment combined with subtle references to the Beach Boys culminated in a retro-spectacular take on being of “sound mind.”

Need a logo for your creative biz? Contact R.L. Gibson!




A Good Egg.

"A Good Egg: Illustrations by R.L. Gibson" opens April 6th at Hale Springs Inn in Rogersville, TN.
“A Good Egg” illustration by Artist R.L. Gibson

“Back when we grew our own food, farming was, by its very nature, organic. Today, big agriculture has us convinced that organics are hipster privilege. Cashiers struggle to identify a turnip root. Children don’t know milk comes from cows. There are nineteen ingredients in McDonald’s french fries. We are more separated from our food than ever. Daily, we consume food about which we know nothing. By choice. We want food cheap & easy even if it kills us. We will pay $5 for drive-thru coffee but not for a dozen fresh eggs. “A Good Egg” asks the metaphorical question, can we recover our connection to food? What amount of ornament, decoration or spin does it take to make real food, food again?” – R.L. Gibson

“A Good Egg” is a developing series of 23 illustrations
by Artist R.L. Gibson.