Artist R.L. Gibson

Author: R.L. Gibson

DAY 11: 89°

"89°" (acrylic & gold leaf on 5″×7″ unstretched canvas) by R.L. Gibson
“89°” (acrylic & gold leaf on 5″×7″ unstretched canvas) by R.L. Gibson

It is Day 11 of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge sponsored by painter Leslie Saeta.  My eleventh offering is “89º” acrylic & silver leaf on 5″×7″ unstretched canvasWill be available in my Etsy Shop.

As a xerographist, my work tends to be, almost exclusively, representational.  The 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge offers me an opportunity to revisit abstract painting as an alternate voice.  This is turmoil but with exact direction. I can’t quite put my finger on it.  I working it out on canvas day after day.  I don’t really know where this series is headed.  Join me for the ride.

89º is eleventh of a number of paintings inspired by traffic circles:  “As a frequent traveler, I am both comforted and amused by the familiar behaviors found while traversing the traffic circle.  Well-intentioned drivers lean forward to afford themselves a better view of street signs, use their right turn signal despite all options being right turns, momentarily hit the brakes not quite certain of their choice before barreling ahead often without noticing the presence or location of other drivers on the circle or having to go ’round again because they missed the mark the first time.  It is sort of a perfect metaphor for navigating life.”

Remember, this canvas is available for $50 in my Etsy Shop.

Next stop? Day Twelve.





DAY 10: 181°

"181°" (acrylic & silver leaf on 5″×7″ unstretched canvas) by R.L. Gibson
“181°” (acrylic & silver leaf on 5″×7″ unstretched canvas) by R.L. Gibson

It is Day 10 of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge sponsored by painter Leslie Saeta.  My tenth offering is “181º” acrylic & silver leaf on 5″×7″ unstretched canvasWill be available in my Etsy Shop.

As a xerographist, my work tends to be, almost exclusively, representational.  The 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge offers me an opportunity to revisit abstract painting as an alternate voice.  If red is my happy place and yellow is angry, orange must necessarily be the narrow band of safety between the two, right?  I struggle with complementary color use, but it felt right here.   Today’s traffic circle spiral is dedicated to those seeking safety from hurricane Irma. Be safe.  And, with unbleached titanium & cadmium red newly purchased, next week might take a turn.  Stay tuned.

181º is tenth of a number of paintings inspired by traffic circles:  “As a frequent traveler, I am both comforted and amused by the familiar behaviors found while traversing the traffic circle.  Well-intentioned drivers lean forward to afford themselves a better view of street signs, use their right turn signal despite all options being right turns, momentarily hit the brakes not quite certain of their choice before barreling ahead often without noticing the presence or location of other drivers on the circle or having to go ’round again because they missed the mark the first time.  It is sort of a perfect metaphor for navigating life.”

Remember, this canvas is available for $50 in my Etsy Shop.

Next stop? Day Eleven.






DAY 9: 167°

"167°" (acrylic & gold leaf on 5″×7″ unstretched canvas) by R.L. Gibson
“167°” (acrylic & gold leaf on 5″×7″ unstretched canvas) by R.L. Gibson

It is Day 9 of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge sponsored by painter Leslie Saeta.  My ninth offering is “167º” acrylic & gold leaf on 5″×7″ unstretched canvasWill be available next week for $50 in my Etsy Shop.

As a xerographist, my work tends to be, almost exclusively, representational.  The 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge offers me an opportunity to revisit abstract painting as an alternate voice.  More angry yellow today surrounded by the rosy glow of the ease of submission to apathy just on the perimeter of my vision.  Round & round the I go on the traffic circle meeting road blocks at every turn.  I will find my way — in time.

167º is ninth of a number of paintings inspired by traffic circles:  “As a frequent traveler, I am both comforted and amused by the familiar behaviors found while traversing the traffic circle.  Well-intentioned drivers lean forward to afford themselves a better view of street signs, use their right turn signal despite all options being right turns, momentarily hit the brakes not quite certain of their choice before barreling ahead often without noticing the presence or location of other drivers on the circle or having to go ’round again because they missed the mark the first time.  It is sort of a perfect metaphor for navigating life.”

Remember, this canvas is available for $50 in my Etsy Shop.

Next stop? Day Ten.



DAY 8: 38°

"38°" (acrylic & gold leaf on 5″×7″ unstretched canvas) by R.L. Gibson
“38°” (acrylic & gold leaf on 5″×7″ unstretched canvas) by R.L. Gibson

It is Day 8 of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge sponsored by painter Leslie Saeta.  My eighth offering is “38º” acrylic & silver leaf on 5″×7″ unstretched canvasAvailable for $50 in my Etsy Shop.

As a xerographist, my work tends to be, almost exclusively, representational.  The 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge offers me an opportunity to revisit abstract painting as an alternate voice.  To be more precise, I need a way to voice my anger.  This work is as close as I’ve come.  Typically red is used as symbolic of anger, but red is my happy place.  Yellow, on the other hand, seems aggressive in that southern way one smiles with gritted teeth.  This piece was finished with clinched jaw.  It is a good start.

38º is eighth of a number of paintings inspired by traffic circles:  “As a frequent traveler, I am both comforted and amused by the familiar behaviors found while traversing the traffic circle.  Well-intentioned drivers lean forward to afford themselves a better view of street signs, use their right turn signal despite all options being right turns, momentarily hit the brakes not quite certain of their choice before barreling ahead often without noticing the presence or location of other drivers on the circle or having to go ’round again because they missed the mark the first time.  It is sort of a perfect metaphor for navigating life.”

Remember, this canvas is available for $50 in my Etsy Shop.

Next stop? Day Nine.



DAY 7: 42°

"42°" acrylic & silver leaf on 5″×7″ unstretched canvas by R.L. Gibson
“42°” (acrylic & silver leaf on 5″×7″ unstretched canvas) by R.L. Gibson

It is Day 7 of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge sponsored by painter Leslie Saeta.  My seventh offering is “42º” acrylic & silver leaf on 5″×7″ unstretched canvasAvailable for $50.

As a xerographist, my work tends to be, almost exclusively, representational.  The 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge offers me an opportunity to revisit abstract painting as an alternate voice.  I spend 99% of my time working on the paint, but the 1% spent on the circle and street make all the difference.  The other 1%.

42º is seventh of a number of paintings inspired by traffic circles:  “As a frequent traveler, I am both comforted and amused by the familiar behaviors found while traversing the traffic circle.  Well-intentioned drivers lean forward to afford themselves a better view of street signs, use their right turn signal despite all options being right turns, momentarily hit the brakes not quite certain of their choice before barreling ahead often without noticing the presence or location of other drivers on the circle or having to go ’round again because they missed the mark the first time.  It is sort of a perfect metaphor for navigating life.”

Next stop? Day Eight.


DAY 6: 77°

“77º” acrylic & gold leaf on 5″×7″ unstretched canvas by R.L. Gibson
“77º” acrylic & gold leaf on 5″×7″ unstretched canvas by R.L. Gibson

It is Day 6 of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge sponsored by painter Leslie Saeta.  My sixth offering is “77º” acrylic & gold leaf on 5″×7″ unstretched canvasAvailable for $50.

As a xerographist, my work tends to be, almost exclusively, representational.  The 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge offers me an opportunity to revisit abstract painting as an alternate voice.  I’ve had a few questions about the “degree” names.  The number comes from the approx. angle between the proverbial streets of gold (or silver) that intersect with our symbolic traffic circle. Today’s palette has changed dramatically, but I am planning on lightening it up more for day seven.

77º is sixth of a number of paintings inspired by traffic circles:  “As a frequent traveler, I am both comforted and amused by the familiar behaviors found while traversing the traffic circle.  Well-intentioned drivers lean forward to afford themselves a better view of street signs, use their right turn signal despite all options being right turns, momentarily hit the brakes not quite certain of their choice before barreling ahead often without noticing the presence or location of other drivers on the circle or having to go ’round again because they missed the mark the first time.  It is sort of a perfect metaphor for navigating life.”

Next stop? Day Seven.


DAY 5: 110°

“110º” acrylic & silver leaf on 5″×7″ unstretched canvas by R.L. Gibson
“110º” acrylic & silver leaf on 5″×7″ unstretched canvas by R.L. Gibson

It is Day 5 of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge sponsored by painter Leslie Saeta.  My fifth offering is “110º” acrylic & silver leaf on 5″×7″ unstretched canvasAvailable for $50.

As a xerographist, my work tends to be, almost exclusively, representational.  The 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge offers me an opportunity to revisit abstract painting as an alternate voice.  For the past two days, these pieces have taken on an accidentally planetary path.  To break this unintended, ever so slightly representational bent, I am going to vastly change up the color palette for day six.  Stay tuned.

110º is fifth of a number of paintings inspired by traffic circles:  “As a frequent traveler, I am both comforted and amused by the familiar behaviors found while traversing the traffic circle.  Well-intentioned drivers lean forward to afford themselves a better view of street signs, use their right turn signal despite all options being right turns, momentarily hit the brakes not quite certain of their choice before barreling ahead often without noticing the presence or location of other drivers on the circle or having to go ’round again because they missed the mark the first time.  It is sort of a perfect metaphor for navigating life.”

Next stop? Day Six.



DAY 4: 90°

“90º” acrylic & gold leaf on 5″×7″ unstretched canvas by R.L. Gibson
“90º” acrylic & gold leaf on 5″×7″ unstretched canvas by R.L. Gibson

It is Day 4 of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge sponsored by painter Leslie Saeta.  My fourth offering is “90º” acrylic & gold leaf on 5″×7″ unstretched canvasAvailable for $50.

As a xerographist, my work tends to be, almost exclusively, representational.  The 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge offers me an opportunity to revisit abstract painting as an alternate voice.  These small canvas pieces are studies for a larger body of work. I have finished a larger (18″x24″) piece, and started a second. For the first time in a while, I can envision building a full show.  This challenge has already helped me turn a corner, and it is only day FOUR.

90º is fourth of a number of paintings inspired by traffic circles:  “As a frequent traveler, I am both comforted and amused by the familiar behaviors found while traversing the traffic circle.  Well-intentioned drivers lean forward to afford themselves a better view of street signs, use their right turn signal despite all options being right turns, momentarily hit the brakes not quite certain of their choice before barreling ahead often without noticing the presence or location of other drivers on the circle or having to go ’round again because they missed the mark the first time.  It is sort of a perfect metaphor for navigating life.”

Next stop? Day Five.



DAY 3: 212°

"212º" acrylic & gold leaf on 5"×7" unstretched canvas by R.L. Gibson
“212º” acrylic & gold leaf on 5″×7″ unstretched canvas by R.L. Gibson

It is Day 3 of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge sponsored by painter Leslie Saeta.  My third offering is “212º” acrylic & gold leaf on 5″×7″ unstretched canvasAvailable for $50.

As a xerographist, my work tends to be, almost exclusively, representational.  The 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge offers me an opportunity to revisit abstract painting as an alternate voice.  These small canvas pieces are studies for a larger body of work on wood that I am working on in conjunction with this challenge. I hope to have a few of those to reveal of those before month’s end.

212º is third of a number of paintings inspired by traffic circles:  “As a frequent traveler, I am both comforted and amused by the familiar behaviors found while traversing the traffic circle.  Well-intentioned drivers lean forward to afford themselves a better view of street signs, use their right turn signal despite all options being right turns, momentarily hit the brakes not quite certain of their choice before barreling ahead often without noticing the presence or location of other drivers on the circle or having to go ’round again because they missed the mark the first time.  It is sort of a perfect metaphor for navigating life.”

Next stop? Day Four.



DAY 2: 102°

"102º" acrylic & gold leaf on 5"×7" unstretched canvas by R.L. Gibson
“102º” acrylic & gold leaf on 5″×7″ unstretched canvas by R.L. Gibson

It is Day 2 of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge sponsored by painter Leslie Saeta.  My second offering is “102º” acrylic & gold leaf on 5″×7″ unstretched canvas.  Available for $50.

As a xerographist, my work tends to be, almost exclusively, representational.  The 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge offers me an opportunity to revisit abstract painting as an alternate voice.

102º is second of a number of paintings inspired by traffic circles:  “As a frequent traveler, I am both comforted and amused by the familiar behaviors found while traversing the traffic circle.  Well-intentioned drivers lean forward to afford themselves a better view of street signs, use their right turn signal despite all options being right turns, momentarily hit the brakes not quite certain of their choice before barreling ahead often without noticing the presence or location of other drivers on the circle or having to go ’round again because they missed the mark the first time.  It is sort of a perfect metaphor for navigating life.”

Next stop? Day Three.
