Artist R.L. Gibson

Author: R.L. Gibson


RL Portrait by Fermin Mendoza!Here’s lookin’
…at me, kid!

You might remember that I was approached by Artist Fermin Mendoza recently; he is doing a portrait show project. He completed a portrait a day, and now the show is finally opening.

His project, “artists / models / others” and are simply portraits of:

Artists– producing profound & brilliant work
Models– that have striking or unique looks.
Others– that he find interesting

He is approaching the creation of the work by using the quote below, by Lucien Freud, for guidance:


Pieces of Me Offspring by Artist R.L. Gibson

“The aura given out by a person or object is as much a part of them as their flesh. The effect that they make in space is bound up with them as might be their color or smell… therefore the painter must be concerned with the air surrounding his subject as with the subject itself. It is through observation and perception of atmosphere that he can register the feeling that he wishes his painting to give out.”

Here is his 6″ x 6″ original portrait of me (above left), along with the original image from which he worked (right).

All of the portraits are set to be unveiled at an June 4th show held at LITM (Love is the Message) located at 140 Newark Ave  Jersey City, NJ.

Artists Models Others by Fermin Mendoza


Click to Subscribe to UPDATES from RLGibson.com!DON’T I
know you?

I am suspicious of any restaurant called Mom’s or Pop’s. Let’s face it, they are setting themselves up for failure. I promise you, Mom’s Diner’s biscuits will not taste like my Mom’s biscuits. And Pop’s Italian won’t taste like your Pop’s meatballs. But, I get it. There is comfort in the familiar. This next Call has a little something familiar to my readers. Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from The Arts & Culture Alliance for Knoxville Photo 2013. This is a great show run by a great organization. I’ve shown here several times, and the juror is fantastic. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge…

Learn more about Knoxville Photo 2013!CALL for ENTRIES:
Knoxville Photo 2013


Hosted by the Arts & Culture Alliance, the first annual Knoxville Photo 2013 was developed to provide a forum for artists to compete on a national scale and display their work. Approximately 40-50 photographic works from both emerging and established artists will be selected by the juror, R.L. Gibson, for exhibition in the main gallery of the beautifully-restored Emporium Center at 100 S. Gay Street, Knoxville’s downtown arts anchor location.

ELIGIBILITY: All artists 18 years and older living in the US.

MEDIA: Photography in four categories:

  • The Human Experience (streetscapes, cityscapes, and environmental portraiture)
  • Our Earth (landscapes, animals, nature – should not include man-made objects)
  • Travel (any subject or genre, taken while away from home)
  • Digital Imagination (digitally enhanced in the camera or in post-production, including composites, montages, abstracts)

DEADLINE: May 19, 2013

NOTIFICATION: June 10, 2013

ENTRY FEE: $30 for up to 3 images ($20 for Arts & Culture Alliance members and students). Up to 7 add’l images may be submitted for $5/each ($4 for members/students).

Learn more about Knoxville Photo 2013!JUROR: R.L. Gibson is a nationally-shown artist working and “living on vacation” in Gatlinburg, Tennessee with work in galleries from New York to Los Angeles. Gibson opened her newest Xerography series Psychomachia with Arizona artist Jerry Portelli. She is now working on a text series for show in 2013/2014. Gibson works almost exclusively as a Xerographist, producing complicated layered photographic compositions and then hand-transferring these images to a variety of substrates resulting in a unique monotype.

In addition to producing her own work and work in collaboration with other artists, Gibson also runs ArtAndArtDeadlines.com, a fun and quirky, food-themed art blog that offers reviews of emerging artists, shows from great galleries, and FREE Art Deadlines and Calls for Entry as an artist’s resource.

AWARDS: At least $600 in cash awards will be presented at the exhibition’s Opening Reception on July 5 at the Emporium. Awards include: $200 Best in Show, four $100 Best of Category awards, and a cash award for Best Work by an Alliance member. In addition, the juror will provide written comments on all entries. Awards are as designated by the juror, whose decision is final.

SALES: Every effort is made to promote sales. All sales are handled by the Arts & Culture Alliance, who retains a 25% commission (20% for cash and check sales).

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Download the Prospectus from the Arts and Culture Alliance!

BLOGGER exposed

Learn more about Development Opportunities at the Arts and Culture Alliance website!CURIOUS?
me too

I have a wonderful relationship with many of my readers at ArtAndArtDeadlines.com, despite never having met most of them.  But, if you’ve every been curious to meet me in person, here’s your chance if you’re in the Knoxville, TN area.  I’d love to put some smiling faces with your emails.

From the Arts & Culture Alliance website:

Wednesday, March 20, 12:00-1:00 PM:
How to get a Show w/ guest R.L. Gibson

“Join R. L. Gibson, artist, blogger & Editor of Art & Art Deadlines.com, a food-themed art blog, as she reviews the secrets to increasing your chances of success getting into group and solo shows. As a former gallery director, arts administrator, and recipient of more rejection letters than she’d like, Gibson will guide you through a fun, food-themed 40-minute presentation followed by Q&A. Handouts available.  Receive a FREE entry into ArtAndArtDeadlines.com’s Featured Artist contest just for joining us! 40-minute presentation followed by Q&A. Handouts available. Free for members; $5 for non-members (pay at the door).”

 So, come on by, and I’ll start working up new food puns for your entertainment.

Click Here for More Info! See you there!


ALL ABOARD: The Circus is headed to NH.

Learn more about the Soo Rye Art Gallery!NO,
It is not an
Election Reference

Three of the members of my own personal art circus are headed to New Hampshire for the Winter Salon Show at the Soo Rye Art Gallery in Rye, NH.  Of the 12 pieces I submitted, they chose Pride, Greed and Patience (left to right below).  What an odd combination.  Greed is one of my favorites in the Psychomachia series, and of course, I love them all like my children.  But visually and philosophically, they make for an unusual combination.  It makes me wish more than ever that I could attend this opening.

For those of you that can’t make it the opening either,
here’s a little taste…

Pride Greed and Patience by Xerographist R.L. Gibson!

ID – The Object of Self


I am pleased to have been included in ID – The Object of Self at the Darkroom Gallery in Essex Junction, VT.  Here’s a great pic of my little mermaid hanging amongst the other juried participants. Bottom right corner.

Be sure to visit the
Darkroom Gallery online

for a sneak peak
at the exhibit!

On the Road, Again!

Chastity: The Mermaid by Artist R.L. Gibson from the Psychomachia series!COLD WATER
for the

I am pleased and proud to have a piece from the Psychomachia series, Chastity:  The Mermaid,  showing in the ID – The Object of Self exhibit at the Darkroom Gallery in Vermont.

There is some humor, I suppose, in sending one of my more exposed self-portraits to a locale where it will be snowing before long.  And, funny enough, this piece has legs. It has been from Phoenix, AZ to Los Angeles, CA then to Austin, TX…and now to Vermont.  Ahhh, if time only permitted me to be her traveling companion.  Maybe next time!

Be sure to visit the Darkroom Gallery online
for a sneak peak at the exhibit!



I am proud to have a single and triptych piece accepted into the 2nd Annual Edges & Curves “Close Your Eyes” exhibit presented by The Haggus Society, of which I am proud to be a member (known as Hillbilly Hag). Here’s a shot of Hear See Speak No Evil, at the Upstairs at the Market Gallery just a day or so before the show opens…

Hear See Speak No Evill in LA at The Upstairs Market Gallery!

This year’s theme “Close Your Eyes” will explore wedge issues presented in the public discourse via all channels of media consumption.  The center piece of this triptych takes on a whole new meaning in this show.


Learn more about The Haggus Society!THINK

I am proud to have a single and triptych piece accepted into the 2nd Annual Edges & Curves “Close Your Eyes” exhibit presented by The Haggus Society, of which I am proud to be a member (known as Hillbilly Hag).

This year’s theme “Close Your Eyes” will explore wedge issues presented in the public discourse via all channels of media consumption.

Guest Juror, Natalie Abrams

“I don’t think anyone can argue we are living in divisive times. Individual rights, freedoms of person, religion or lack there of are under constant assault. Social and economic inequalities are as staggering as the apparent indifference of those who have the power to make a difference. How do we cope? Do we bury our head in the sand, join the picket line?

“As an artist, we have an added layer of reaction as we question whether or not to address these issues which are significant to us in our work. Art is a voice, active and present. As our society is being redefined before our very eyes, wouldn’t now be a good time to voice our opinions and help it grow into that more enlightened future we’d like to see?”

Think No Evil by R.L. Gibson, 2007

the work of:

Robyn Alatorre
Brian Cho
Barbara Horosko Nichols
Elizabeth Bruno
Preston Craig
R.L. Gibson
Aimee Hertog
Susan Hunt
Lodiza Lepore
Patrick Gothard
Debra Girard
Paul Samenfeld
Sally Windle
Marian Yap

The exhibition runs from August 31 – September 9, 2012

Tuesday – Thursday 11AM – 5PM

Opening reception
Saturday, September 1, 2011
6 – 9 p.m.

Upstairs At The Market Gallery

1057 S. San Pedro Street in Downtown Los Angeles

Exhibition Preview Here


RL Portrait by Fermin Mendoza!Here’s lookin’
…at me, kid!

I was approached by Artist Fermin Mendoza recently; he is doing a portrait show project.  He is trying to do a portrait a day, in a leap year, and show them all in the Spring.  He asked me if you could use one of my self-portraits, and I agreed.

His project has the working title “artists / models / others” and are simply portraits of:

Artists– that are producing profound & brilliant work (mostly in the New York/Jersey area)
Models– that have striking or unique looks. (I am certain that I fall in this category. 🙂 )
Others– that he find interesting

He is approaching the creation of the work by using the quote below, by Lucien Freud, for guidance:

Pieces of Me Offspring by Artist R.L. Gibson“The aura given out by a person or object is as much a part of them as their flesh.  The effect that they make in space is bound up with them as might be their color or smell… therefore the painter must be concerned with the air surrounding his subject as with the subject itself. It is through observation and perception of atmosphere that he can register the feeling that he wishes his painting to give out.”

Here is his 6″ x 6″ original portrait of me (above left), along with the original image from which he worked (right).

All 366 portraits are set to be unveiled at an April 2013 show in Jersey City, NJ.

Stay Tuned for Details!

A Bit about the OTHER Xerography

Learn more about Xerographist RL Gibson!Xerography is a method of artwork that is not very well-known, but the name is taken from a process that is fundamental to the media.   That process is an interesting one, and here is a little bit about the way the xerography itself works.  The essence of xerography is that it is a way of photocopying that can create an interesting variety of images.

First, a document, photo or object will be chosen and placed onto a surface within the copier.  The process of simple xerography begins with an electrostatic charge that is distributed all over the surface of a copier drum.  This charge is -600 volts and it spreads equally around due to a discharge coming from a corona unit.

Once this has happened, the process has begun and the next step is ready to take place.  Only those who have come into contact with xerography or studied the intricate workings of photocopiers will know a good amount about how this process works.  So if you are not very clued-up, preferring to spend your time taking part in other hobbies such as playing golf or PartyPoker, then here is a quick description of what happens next:

Learn more about Xerographist RL Gibson! The flash lamps will illuminate the document or object, so that its image is projected onto the moving surface of the drum. This image is then projected onto a photoconductor and made either smaller or larger, depending on the settings.

The image is then developed and transferred onto paper. The toner that is used in this process is fused to the paper using heat or pressure, so that the image then becomes visible. Of course when this process is made into an art form, there are many variations to the whole technique.  Artists can customize many different things in order to create the desired effect.  It is a very unique way of creating art.