know you?
I am suspicious of any restaurant called Mom’s or Pop’s. Let’s face it, they are setting themselves up for failure. I promise you, Mom’s Diner’s biscuits will not taste like my Mom’s biscuits. And Pop’s Italian won’t taste like your Pop’s meatballs. But, I get it. There is comfort in the familiar. This next Call has a little something familiar to my readers. Take a look…
Check out this Call for Entries from The Arts & Culture Alliance for Knoxville Photo 2013. This is a great show run by a great organization. I’ve shown here several times, and the juror is fantastic. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge…
Hosted by the Arts & Culture Alliance, the first annual Knoxville Photo 2013 was developed to provide a forum for artists to compete on a national scale and display their work. Approximately 40-50 photographic works from both emerging and established artists will be selected by the juror, R.L. Gibson, for exhibition in the main gallery of the beautifully-restored Emporium Center at 100 S. Gay Street, Knoxville’s downtown arts anchor location.
ELIGIBILITY: All artists 18 years and older living in the US.
MEDIA: Photography in four categories:
- The Human Experience (streetscapes, cityscapes, and environmental portraiture)
- Our Earth (landscapes, animals, nature – should not include man-made objects)
- Travel (any subject or genre, taken while away from home)
- Digital Imagination (digitally enhanced in the camera or in post-production, including composites, montages, abstracts)
DEADLINE: May 19, 2013
NOTIFICATION: June 10, 2013
ENTRY FEE: $30 for up to 3 images ($20 for Arts & Culture Alliance members and students). Up to 7 add’l images may be submitted for $5/each ($4 for members/students).
JUROR: R.L. Gibson is a nationally-shown artist working and “living on vacation” in Gatlinburg, Tennessee with work in galleries from New York to Los Angeles. Gibson opened her newest Xerography series Psychomachia with Arizona artist Jerry Portelli. She is now working on a text series for show in 2013/2014. Gibson works almost exclusively as a Xerographist, producing complicated layered photographic compositions and then hand-transferring these images to a variety of substrates resulting in a unique monotype.
In addition to producing her own work and work in collaboration with other artists, Gibson also runs, a fun and quirky, food-themed art blog that offers reviews of emerging artists, shows from great galleries, and FREE Art Deadlines and Calls for Entry as an artist’s resource.
AWARDS: At least $600 in cash awards will be presented at the exhibition’s Opening Reception on July 5 at the Emporium. Awards include: $200 Best in Show, four $100 Best of Category awards, and a cash award for Best Work by an Alliance member. In addition, the juror will provide written comments on all entries. Awards are as designated by the juror, whose decision is final.
SALES: Every effort is made to promote sales. All sales are handled by the Arts & Culture Alliance, who retains a 25% commission (20% for cash and check sales).