We made it to Day 30 of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge! What a roller coaster it has been. Today’s painting is “Salvo” (watercolour, 5″x5″). Last night’s show was fun, and I’m the speaker for a conference on getting into juried shows in an hour at Scarlet Seven Gallery. And, then I will get on the road headed for home with another stop over in Pennsylvania. Plus, it is the final day of the challenge. I needed the work. I needed the process. I needed the rollercoaster. Maybe I didn’t need to share it all so explicitly, but I did. So there. I feel like I have fired a canon into the world and wait with baited breath to feel the impact. An aggressive act of happy expectation. I am guilty of that –choosing happiness. It gets me in trouble. So here I am. Here it is. Trouble.
As a xerographist, my work tends to be, almost exclusively, representational. The 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge offered me an opportunity to revisit abstract painting as an alternate voice.
Until next time…