It is Day 19 of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge; my offering is “Disperse” (watercolour, 5″x5″), yes watercolor. Will be available for $40 in my Etsy Shop.
As a xerographist, my work tends to be, almost exclusively, representational. The 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge offers me an opportunity to revisit abstract painting as an alternate voice. By popular request, I ventured into watercolour for a change. I has renewed my love of Prussian blue. Watercolor is not for the control freak. While you can predict and plan for path of the color, your control is, ultimately, limited. I find myself holding my breath often.
Remember, this canvas is available for $40 in my Etsy Shop.
Let’s see where watercolour takes us… on day Twenty.