Artist R.L. Gibson


wonderful WORKSHOP attendance

It was my privilege to work with more than 50 attendees at the “Branding Yourself as an Artist Workshop” at the Arts & Culture Alliance at The Emporium Center in Knoxville, January 13th. (continues below)
"Branding Yourself as an Artist WORKSHOP" hosted by Artist R.L.Gibson at the Arts & Culture Alliance!Follow-up questions are still coming in via e-mail, and I am continuing extensive individual consultations.  If you are interested in branding consultation including web design, social media, graphic design & the “how-to” of keeping it all fresh & up to date, email me at thexerographist@rlgibson.com or leave a message at 865-253-6543.

Stay tuned to see THE UPDATED LOOKS for a handful of
artists for which I have been working!
