Artist R.L. Gibson

BEFORE: The Dark Slide

How excited am I?

My decks have arrived.  Special thanks goes out to Zumiez (Sevierville, TN) & Headquarters Skateshop (Knoxville, TN) for hooking me up with decks for my new project for The Dark Slide sponsored by the Dubuque Area Arts Collective. (continues below)

Skate Decks for The Dark Slide project by Artist R.L. Gibson sponsored by Dubuque Area Arts Collective!

The next step is to get them sanded, primed & gesso’d for illustration transfers.  I kind of hate to sand them down because they already look pretty rad even in their current state.  But, I just gotta.  In addition to being a great art project for me, it is also a benefit for a new skatepark in Dubuque, Iowa.

Stay tuned for updates on
The Dark Slide project!
