to the books
As I prepare for my upcoming journey of adding color to my work–possibly on a semi-permanent basis, I have become excited by delving into color theory once again. My eyes know the theory, but my brain has taken all for granted. So, I am allowing myself the ultimate indulgence of someone living a purposefully pared-down existence…art books–yum!
Deciding what NOT to purchase and/or borrow has been the hardest part. I’ll keep you updated on the books I love! Today’s choice Confident Color: An Artist’s Guide To Harmony, Contrast And Unity by Nita Leland. Today’s recovered art
-i-fact from Confident Color: “Once in a while, you may want to go a little darker in value without overpowering that light feeling. [sic] Burnt Sienna turns any saturated paint color into an earth hue.” Thanks, Nita! Burnt Sienna–today’s happy place.
Find your happy place. Go there. And, go often.
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